Devicetree node to turn off LCD when backlight is 'disabled'

Grant Likely grant.likely at
Wed Feb 13 05:05:43 EST 2013

On Tue, 12 Feb 2013 16:35:56 +0900, Alex Courbot <acourbot at> wrote:
> On 02/11/2013 03:25 PM, Tony Prisk wrote:
> > I was just wondering if the following would be an acceptable way to turn
> > off an lcd backlight when the pwm-backlight driver is set to level 0.
> > The LCD backlight is 'powered' by the gpio.
> >
> > leds {
> > 	compatible = "gpio-leds";
> > 	backlight {
> > 		label = "lcd-power";
> > 		gpios = <&gpio 0 0 0>;  /* bank pin active_low */
> > 		linux,default-trigger = "backlight";
> > 		default-state = "on";
> > 	};
> > };
> This would work... for the most common case of a FB blank event (as 
> gpio-leds will be notified of it and switch your GPIO on/off according 
> to the kind of event). There are a few drawbacks however:
> 1) You will have no control over the order of your power sequence. 
> pwm-backlight also uses FB notifications to switch the PWM on/off. Which 
> one will happen first will depend on the registration order.
> 2) This will only work on FB blank events. For instance, if someone 
> writes "0" into the "brightness" property of your backlight's sysfs 
> node, no FB blank event will be emitted and your GPIO will remain on.
> Also this solution works for the simple case where you control the 
> backlight using only a GPIO. It would be good to support more complex 
> cases as well (I have to handle a GPIO and a regulator, for instance).
> The "correct" way of doing this would be to let the pwm-backlight driver 
> (or even the backlight framework) control the power status of the 
> backlight itself. You can do this using the platform callbacks of 
> pwm-backlight, but this will require a custom panel. Another possibility 
> would be to use the power sequence framework within the backlight 
> drivers, but I need to rewrite it first.

That really does sound like the right approach, and wiring it up to a
GPIO sounds reasonable. I don't think there is a need to use platform
callbacks for this.


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