Options to store device tree blob on NAND Flash

Grant Likely grant.likely at secretlab.ca
Mon Apr 15 23:28:41 EST 2013

On Tue, 19 Mar 2013 16:15:57 +0100, Hector Palacios <hector.palacios at digi.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> For embedded devices where NAND flash is the only storage media, I was wondering what 
> are the existing approaches on how to store the device tree blob in flash.
> Searching on the Internet I have found only two approaches:
>   1. Have a dedicated MTD partition for the device tree blob (raw).
>   2. Have a UBI volume on a partition and store the device tree blob as a file in a 
> UBIFS partition (this approach also stores the kernel image as a file in the same or 
> different volume).
> Is anybody using other approach for storing the DTB in flash?
> What method is more widely used in embedded devices?

Either if fine providing U-Boot (or whatever) is able to read it. Having
the data in a filesystem is probably more convenient.


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