[PATCH] ARM: tegra: Define Tegra20 CAR binding

Mitch Bradley wmb at firmworks.com
Sat Jan 21 19:31:36 EST 2012

On 1/20/2012 9:32 PM, Olof Johansson wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Stephen Warren<swarren at nvidia.com>  wrote:
>> Olof Johansson wrote at Wednesday, January 18, 2012 10:32 PM:
>>> On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 05:16:52PM -0700, Stephen Warren wrote:
>>>> diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/nvidia,tegra20-car.txt
>>>> +* NVIDIA Tegra20 Clock And Reset Controller
>>>> +
>>>> +This binding uses the common clock binding:
>>>> +Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/clock-bindings.txt
>>>> +
>>>> +The CAR (Clock And Reset) Controller on Tegra is the HW module responsible
>>>> +for muxing and gating Tegra's clocks, and setting their rates.
>>>> +
>>>> +Required properties :
>>>> +- compatible : Should be "nvidia,<chip>-car"
>>>> +- reg : Should contain CAR registers location and length
>>>> +- clocks : Should contain phandle and clock specifiers for two clocks:
>>>> +  the 32 KHz "32k_in", and the board-specific oscillator "osc".
>>>> +- clock-names : Should contain a list of strings, with values "32k_in",
>>>> +  and "osc".
>>> Hmm. I'd prefer to just ditch the notion of "clock-names" in the cases
>>> where it isn't strictly necessary. Just because some vendors don't want
>>> to define an order between their clocks doesn't mean it's a good idea
>>> for everybody to use that model. In this case, just declaring that the
>>> two clocks refs have to be to those two clocks in that order should
>>> be sufficient.
>> OK, that seems reasonable. I'm happy using of_clk_get() rather than
>> of_clk_get_by_name(). I guess that means we should just avoid any
>> discussion of clock-output-names too.
> Sounds good to me. Let's make sure Grant is OK with it too though.
>>>> +- #clock-cells : Should be 1.
>>>> +  In clock consumers, this cell represents the clock ID exposed by the CAR.
>>>> +  For a list of valid values, see the clock-output-names property.
>>>> +
>>>> +Optional properties :
>>>> +- clock-output-names : Should contain a list of strings defining the clocks
>>>> +  that the CAR provides. The list of names and clock IDs is below. The IDs
>>>> +  may be used in clock specifiers. The names should be listed in this clock-
>>>> +  output-names property, sorted in ID order, if this property is present.
>>>> +
>>>> +  The first 96 clocks are numbered to match the bits in the CAR's CLK_OUT_ENB
>>>> +  registers. Later, subsequent IDs will be assigned to all other clocks the
>>>> +  CAR controls.
>>> Aren't these names hardcoded per SoC? If so, they can be derived from the
>>> compatible field + output number without having a table in the device tree.
>>> If anything, you might want to enumerate the allowed/expected values, but
>>> actually putting them in a property seems overkill.
>> Yes, the set of clocks is hard-coded per SoC, and the clock is uniquely
>> identified by compatible+id.
>> clock-output-names doesn't actually serve any functional purpose in
>> Grant's common clock bindings patches; it's more of a documentation
>> thing. As such, yes, I can remove the suggestion to actually put the
>> table into the device tree, and rework the binding to simply define
>> what the mapping is independently.
> Again, sounds good to me.
>>>> +Example:
>>>> +
>>>> +clocks {
>>>> +   clk_32k: oscillator at 0 {
>>> If it has a unit addres (@<x>) it needs a reg property with the same base
>>> address.
>> I thought everything needed a unit address period? Is the rule more like
>> the unit address is optional, but if present must match reg, so I can
>> simply remove @0 and @1 here? I guess that makes a lot more sense.
> Nope, you only need a unit address to make a node unique, i.e. if you
> have more than one with the same name. It's not something that's been
> followed very well on ARM dts files, I have even seen review comments
> asking for explicit unit IDs when none are needed.
> So you can't remove @0 and @1 here, since there are two oscillator subnodes.
> I'm not 100% sure if you have to have the unit address represented as
> "reg" or not, but it should probably be represented by _something_ in
> the properties of the node. Mitch? Segher? :)

unit-address is, by definition, the first address component of reg

>>>> +           compatible = "fixed-clock";
>>>> +           #clock-cells =<0>;
>>>> +           clock-frequency =<32768>;
>>>> +   };
>>>> +
>>>> +   osc: oscillator at 1 {
>>>> +           compatible = "fixed-clock";
>>>> +           #clock-cells =<0>;
>>>> +           clock-frequency =<12000000>;
>>>> +   };
>>>> +};
> -Olof

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