Pinmux bindings proposal

Stephen Warren swarren at
Sat Jan 21 08:11:28 EST 2012

Thomas Abraham wrote at Thursday, January 19, 2012 6:10 AM:
> On 14 January 2012 02:09, Stephen Warren <swarren at> wrote:
> > I thought a bit more about pinmux DT bindings. I came up with something
> > that I like well enough, and is pretty similar to the binding that Dong
> > posted recently. I think it'll work for both Tegra's and IMX's needs.
> > Please take a look!
> >
> > Note: I've used named constants below just to make this easier to read.
> > We still don't have a solution to actually use named constants in dtc yet.
> [...]
> For Samsung io-pad controllers, I had been considering a dt approach
> which has been described below. Kindly review and any comments will be
> helpful.
> * Main points to be considered:
> All Samsung SoC's use a io-pad controller that includes gpio, pinmux
> and pinconfig functionality in a single controller, i.e. there is a
> single intermixed address space for gpio/pinmux/pinconfig portions in
> the controller. Additionally, all the drivers for the Samsung SoC's
> setup pinmux/pinconfig in its probe function (and in resume if
> required).
> * IO Pad controllers in dts file:
> The io-pad controller (gpio/pinmux/pinconfig) can be represented in a
> dtsi file as below. There could be multiple io-pad controllers
> supported in the system.
> pctrl0: pinctrl at 11400000 {
>        compatible = "samsung,exynos4210-pinctrl";
>        reg = <0x11400000 0x1000>;
>        interrupts = <.......>;
>        pin-banks = <....>;
>        [... other properties TBD ...]
>        #pinctrl-cells = <5>;
> };
> Each such node instantiates one instance of the pin-controller device.
> The 'struct pinctrl_dev' should include a new member 'struct of_node'
> to point to the corresponding pin-controller node in dt which
> instantiated the controller. The pinctrl_register() function called
> from drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-xyz.c then registers the pin-controller
> instance.

Yes, that's all reasonable, and exactly what I had in mind when I wrote
my binding proposal.

> * Specifying the pinmux/pinconfig settings in dts files:
> Device nodes which require specific pinmux/pinconfig settings should
> include information about the required settings. For example, a i2c
> controller node in dts file is listed below.
> i2c0: i2c at 18000000 {
>         [... other properties ...]
>         pinctrl-active = <&pctrl0 5 0 2 3 0>,
>                              <&pctrl0 5 1 2 3 0>;
>         pinctrl-suspend = <&pctrl0 5 0 2 0 0>,
>                                 <&pctrl0 5 1 2 0 0>;
> };

The idea of encoding the state names into the property names came up
before in this thread. The problem is that it's hard for core code
to know which properties are actually related to pinctrl and which
aren't. reserving one name such as "pinctrl" seems reasonable, whereas
reserving a whole class of names; everything prefixed "pinctrl-foo" is
a little less so.

If the parsing of these nodes were a direct result of a driver calling
pinmux_get("name") or similar, this might be less relevant. However,
there's a desire to parse all the pinmux properties/nodes up-front so
that the pinctrl pinmux mapping table can be completely populated early
during boot, and hence contain all pinmux information, just as if that
mapping table were registered from static tables by a board file in the
non DT case. So, being certain what's a pinctrl node/property without
information on the state names drivers will use is important.

> In the example above, the specifier of pinctrl-* is specific for
> Samsung io-pad controllers. Its format/syntax would be mainly
> dependent on the io-pad controller used, the above is only an example
> for Samsung io-pad controller. In the above node, the format of the
> pinctrl-* specifier is
> property-name = <phandle of the pin-controller
>                            pin bank within the pin-controller
>                            pin number within the pin-bank
>                            pin-mux function number
>                            pull up/down config
>                            drive strength config>;

Yes, that seems reasonable.

The only thing different between that example and my proposal is that:

a) In my proposal, the property in the device nodes doesn't actually
   contain all those fields, but a phandle to a child node of the pin
   controller where that data is kept. This keeps all the pin mux data
   stored under the pin controller's node for neatness.

   Thus, there's 1 extra level of indirection.

   This allows common sets of values to be defined and the device
   nodes can simply reference this, rather than cut/pasting the data
   into every board file that uses the same configuration.

   (Well, I actually proposed that referenced node could be anywhere,
   but others were insistent it should only be allowed under the pin
   controller node)

b) I didn't actually include a #pinctrl-cells property in my proposal,
   assuming that a fixed-format would be acceptable for these properties.
   However, I will include such a property in my V2 proposal.

> * Using the pinmux/pinconfig specifier in device nodes to configure hardware.
> A driver (for a device instantiated from device tree) would require
> code to be made aware of the pinmux/pinconfig options available. The
> typical sequence in a probe function would be as below.
> (a) call of_get_named_gpio() to get the gpio number. In case of

Not everything is a GPIO in all SoCs, so initiating pin mux configuration
from of_get_named_gpio() doesn't really make sense.

The pinctrl subsystem already has APIs such as pinmux_get() and
pinmux_enable() that initiating pin mux programming, so I've been
assuming they'd be used identically for both systems that use board
files and systems that use DT.

> (d) For all entries in pinctrl-* property, use
> of_parse_phandles_with_args() and get the pinctrl node pointer and the
> pinctrl specifier. As an example, the i2c driver would do the
> following, incrementing pin-index parameter for each call.
> ret = of_parse_phandle_with_args(i2c_np, "pinctrl-active",
> "#pinctrl-cells", pin-index, &pctrl_np, &pctrl_specifier);
> (e) There should be a new api in pinctrl subsystem whose signature
> could be something like
> int pinctrl_dt_parse_and_set_mux_cfg(struct device_node *, const void *);
> For each iteration of step (d) in the driver, this new api will be
> called. The value of pctrl_np and pctrl_specifier obtained from step
> (d) is passed as a parameters to this new api. This api will do the
> following
> (e1) Find the pin-controller (struct pinctrl_dev) that has a
> device_node pointer which is same as the first parameter. To recap, it
> was mentioned above that: "The 'struct pinctrl_dev' should include a
> new member 'struct of_node' to point to the corresponding
> pin-controller node in dt which instantiated the controller."
> (e2) A new callback 'xlate_pinctrl' is required in 'struct
> pinctrl_ops' which can translate the second parameter of
> 'pinctrl_dt_parse_and_set_mux_cfg' function. From the pin controller
> found in step (e1), call pinctrl_dev->desc->pctlops->xlate_pinctrl
> passing the second parameter of 'pinctrl_dt_parse_and_set_mux_cfg'
> function. The pin-controller specific translator function will
> translate the parameter and program the hardware registers. The
> xlate_pinctrl is specific to each pin-controller is it knows how to
> decode the specifier and program the registers.

But yes, I'd expect much of those mechanics to be used roughly as you
describe, just initiated by other APIs; some DT-wide parsing of the
pinmux properties at either system boot time or pin controller
registration time, and application of the data during pinmux_get().


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