mtd concat OF question

Stanislav O. Bezzubtsev stas.bezzubtsev at
Mon Jan 24 23:37:49 EST 2011

Hello all.

1) Is there an ability to specify in .dts an mtd_concat partition that
consists of several parts of a same flash drive?
For example, let there be 2MB flash drive and for some hardware limitations
u-boot can be stored only at 1MB offset. So, can I specify an mtd device to
own [0 -- 1MB] and [1.5MB -- 2MB]? As far as I can see (from
the drivers/mtd/ofpart.c) there is no support for such a feature.

2) If the answer on the previous question is "no". What shall be the most
natural way to enhance the dts format? As for me it seems to be reasonable
to allow partition regs description to consists more then of 2 values (N
pairs). Example is below:

nor-flash at 0,0 {
    compatible = "amd,s29gl01gp", "cfi-flash";
    bank-width = <2>;
    reg = <0x0 0x200000>;
    #address-cells = <1>;
    #size-cells = <1>;

    partition at 100000 {
        label = "uboot";
        reg = <0x100000 0x80000>;

    partition at 0 {
        label = "user";
        reg = <0x000000 0x100000
                  0x180000 0x80000>;
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