[RFC] MPIC Bindings and Bindings for AMP Systems

Meador Inge meador_inge at mentor.com
Thu Jan 6 09:20:48 EST 2011

On 12/23/2010 04:33 PM, Grant Likely wrote:
> This argument has been rehashed many times, but it basically comes
> down to compatible values should ideally be anchored to a real
> implemented device, not to a family of devices, or to an unversioned
> specification.
> In practise, the implementation doesn't actually look any different
> except that the 'reference' version specifies a specific
> implementation instead of a generic name.  To use a concrete example,
> if there are two parts using this MPIC, like the freescale p2040 and
> p4080, and say for argument that the p2040 was implemented first, then
> the compatible values would look like:
> for the p2040:   compatible = "fsl,p2040-msgr";
> for the p4080:   compatible = "fsl,p4080-msgr", "fsl,p2040-msgr";
> and the driver could simply bind on "fsl,p2040-msgr" to work with both
> chips.  So, instead of an arbitrary "fsl,mpic-msgr" string,
> "fsl,p2040-msgr" is used as the baseline value and there is no
> ambiguity about which part it describes.
> If the p4080 is actually subtly different from the p2040, then
> it would not claim compatibility with the former and the driver can
> match against either string; adapting its behaviour as necessary.

Thanks for the explanation.  I see now that there is a warning note in 
'http://www.devicetree.org/Device_Tree_Usage' about this case.  Perhaps 
a "best practices" guide for writing bindings might be useful as well. 
I would be happy to contribute to that, but I am still learning the best 
practices :)

Meador Inge     | meador_inge AT mentor.com
Mentor Embedded | http://www.mentor.com/embedded-software

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