microblaze console init

Walter Goossens waltergoossens at home.nl
Sun Dec 12 08:50:33 EST 2010

Hi list,

while working on fdt support for the nios2 I was reading some code for 
other archs I also looked at the microblaze code and I believe I found 
some leftovers from a copy/paste action, attached is a small patch 
(untested) to fix a debug print and (more important) remove a useless 
call to early_init_dt_check_for_initrd.

I do still have one concern, do I understand correctly that there is no 
way to do address-translation (the "ranges" stuff) on a flattenend tree, 
using the of_get_flat_dt_* functions? This would mean that this code 
would fail to get the correct address for a uartlite connected to a bus 
that has address-translation.

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