new device tree binding review process idea

Yoder Stuart-B08248 B08248 at
Fri Apr 9 01:04:32 EST 2010

> MediaWiki does support XML exporting for off-line editing (one of the
> reasons I chose mediawiki), so we could have a canned xml export of
> approved bindings into a git repo somewhere.  Being able to generate
> an off-line copy is something I think is important.

If there are ways to export the binding text, then that addresses
my concern for the most part.

> Mediawiki search is pretty good, and google will crawl it, so they can
> be used as a secondary search tool.  :-)
> > So, my vote would be to require a plain text format/template
> > that should be used with no Mediawiki markup.  The binding
> > would be posted on the wiki between <pre></pre> tags.
> >
> > The plain text will give some flexibility in how the binding
> > could be used in other contexts.
> Personally, I like the idea of using some basic markup, whether it be
> mediawiki or something else.  Originally, I considered using gitwiki
> which stores everything in a git repo, and uses the markdown markup
> format.  I like the idea of anyone being able to clone the repo and
> editing it offline.  However, git-wiki is pretty immature, and I don't
> want to get into the business of maintaining wiki code.
> By using some form of markup, it adds some level of context to the
> binding text which can be used to reformat into other forms, while
> still remaining readable in plain text (with the possible exception of
> tables).  Filters can easily be written to transform from one markup
> to another as needed.
> Mediawiki is as readable as any, and it's got the advantage of a
> stable and well supported application behind it.  I've used mediawiki
> for a while now, and it's pretty much proven that it scales well, and
> does a good job of handling off-line edits.  Although I would agree
> that it makes sense to define a binding template and formating guide
> to keep things looking uniform and readable.

Ok.  I do think that the wiki formatting will keep things a bit more
readable via web browsers, which will be the primary way people
are reading this.

I do have a few ideas/suggestions for a binding template that I 
will post for comments soon.

> >> * Authors and reviews should work toward a consensus on 
> the binding.
> >> * When consensus is reached, ask one of the device tree binding
> >> maintainers mark the binding as 'approved'.
> >> * '''(TBD: who are the maintainers going to be?  How does someone
> >> contact the maintainers)'''
> >
> > To start with I think each company should designate a maintainer
> > for company-specific bindings.
> s/designate/nominate/
> Following the Linux lead, I want the caveat that a company doesn't
> automatically get to select the maintainer for their parts.  If
> someone shows competence and interest in a particular area, then I've
> got no problem with him or her being a maintainer regardless of who
> that person works for.  The reverse is also true; someone who hasn't
> already been involved with binding documentation and review should not
> get to be maintainer.

I agree.


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