dtc build failures on OS X

Segher Boessenkool segher at kernel.crashing.org
Fri May 22 03:46:04 EST 2009

>>> I'm trying to build dtc on Mac OS X.  The compilation seems to go
>>> okay, but the linker dies.
>> It doesn't die, it just complains ;-)
>> You're trying to build a Linux shared library on OSX.  This won't
>> work.  Not only are the command line options not the same, the
>> semantics are totally different as well; importantly, the versioning
>> mechanism is very different.  Given that, you do not want to use
>> a shared library at all -- just use a normal (static) library.
>> IMNSHO that should be the default, on Linux as well...
> It was, originally, but someone wanted a shared lib.

And you decided to take on all that maintenance pain?  You're
too good for this world.  Or gullible, heh.

> Actually, the current Makefile builds both, by default.

It shouldn't try to build Linux shared objects unless you are
building a Linux target; easiest would be to just never build
the shared library by default.  Your choice :-)


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