esdhc binding compatiable

Kumar Gala galak at
Mon May 4 23:54:28 EST 2009

There has been some discussion on various lists about what the binding  
doc says w/regards to compat binding for eSHDC on 83xx, 85xx, pxxxx.

My thinking is that we wanted to avoid "fsl,eshdc" as possibly being  
to generic (some theory that esdhc might be same or similar controller  
on iMX devices from FSL).  If that's the case I'm thinking something  

fsl,pq-eshdc	(covers 83xx, 85xx family)
fsl,qoirq-esdhc (covers any new p2xxx, p4xxx, etc..)

and if imx needs it


this would be the base compatible.  In addition to that we've  
discussed having a fsl,pq-eshdc-vX.Y compat to match the IP version in  
the specific SoC.


- k

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