[ccan] [PATCH 6/6] aga: Add lazytrie testcase

David Gibson david at gibson.dropbear.id.au
Wed May 27 21:21:28 AEST 2015

This adds a more complex testcase to the aga module.  This one is a trie
(basically a radix tree for strings).

It demonstrates different ways of constructing edge information from an
internal representation than the existing testcases.  Importantly, it also
demonstrates aga's ability to cope with the edge function lazily
constructing nodes on the fly.

Signed-off-by: David Gibson <david at gibson.dropbear.id.au>
 ccan/aga/_info                       |    4 +
 ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie-words.txt | 1000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie.c         |  211 +++++++
 3 files changed, 1215 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie-words.txt
 create mode 100644 ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie.c

diff --git a/ccan/aga/_info b/ccan/aga/_info
index f2d22fa..f69858c 100644
--- a/ccan/aga/_info
+++ b/ccan/aga/_info
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+		printf("ccan/tal\n");
+		printf("ccan/tal/str\n");
+		printf("ccan/tal/grab_file\n");
+		printf("ccan/take\n");
 		return 0;
diff --git a/ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie-words.txt b/ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie-words.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbba3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie-words.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
diff --git a/ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie.c b/ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e59ce4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ccan/aga/test/api-lazytrie.c
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <ccan/tal/tal.h>
+#include <ccan/tal/str/str.h>
+#include <ccan/take/take.h>
+#include <ccan/tal/grab_file/grab_file.h>
+#include <ccan/container_of/container_of.h>
+#include <ccan/aga/aga.h>
+#include <ccan/tap/tap.h>
+#define NWORDS		1000
+#define LETTERS		"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+#define NLETTERS	(sizeof(LETTERS) - 1)
+char **wordarray;
+char **wordarrayb; /* Word array sorted by length */
+int nwords;
+struct trie_node {
+	int start, end;
+	const char *prefix;
+	bool isword;
+	struct trie_node *next[NLETTERS];
+	struct aga_node agan;
+/* Sorts by length first, then alphabetically */
+static int lensort(const void *xv, const void *yv)
+	char *x = *((char **)xv);
+	char *y = *((char **)yv);
+	int xn = strlen(x);
+	int yn = strlen(y);
+	if (xn < yn)
+		return -1;
+	else if (xn > yn)
+		return 1;
+	else
+		/* We need this because qsort is not stable */
+		return strcmp(x, y);
+static void setup_words(void)
+	char *wordfile;
+	/* read in the words */
+	wordfile = grab_file(NULL, "test/api-lazytrie-words.txt");
+	ok1(wordfile);
+	wordarray = tal_strsplit(NULL, take(wordfile), "\n", STR_NO_EMPTY);
+	ok1(wordarray);
+	nwords = tal_count(wordarray) - 1;
+	diag("lazytrie: %d words loaded", nwords);
+	ok1(nwords == NWORDS);
+	wordarrayb = tal_arr(NULL, char *, nwords);
+	memcpy(wordarrayb, wordarray, tal_count(wordarrayb) * sizeof(char *));
+	qsort(wordarrayb, nwords, sizeof(char *), lensort);
+struct lazytrie {
+	struct trie_node root;
+	struct aga_graph g;
+static void init_trie_node(struct trie_node *n, int start, int end,
+			   const char *prefix)
+	int i;
+	n->start = start;
+	n->end = end;
+	n->prefix = prefix;
+	n->isword = (strcmp(n->prefix, wordarray[n->start]) == 0);
+	for (i = 0; i < NLETTERS; i++)
+		n->next[i] = NULL;
+	aga_node_init(&n->agan);
+static const void *lazytrie_first_edge(const struct aga_graph *g,
+				       const struct aga_node *n)
+	return (const void *)(intptr_t)1;
+static const void *lazytrie_next_edge(const struct aga_graph *g,
+				      const struct aga_node *n,
+				      const void *e)
+	intptr_t index = (intptr_t)e;
+	assert((index >= 1) && (index <= NLETTERS));
+	if (index == NLETTERS)
+		return NULL;
+	else
+		return (const void *)(index + 1);
+static int lazytrie_edge_info(const struct aga_graph *g,
+			      const struct aga_node *n,
+			      const void *e,
+			      struct aga_edge_info *ei)
+	struct trie_node *tn = container_of(n, struct trie_node, agan);
+	struct trie_node *next;
+	intptr_t index = (intptr_t)e;
+	assert((index >= 1) && (index <= NLETTERS));
+	next = tn->next[index - 1];
+	if (!next) {
+		int depth = strlen(tn->prefix);
+		int start, end;
+		start = tn->start;
+		while (start < tn->end) {
+			if (wordarray[start][depth] >= LETTERS[index - 1])
+				break;
+			start++;
+		}
+		end = start;
+		while (end < tn->end) {
+			if (wordarray[end][depth] > LETTERS[index - 1])
+				break;
+			end++;
+		}
+		if (end > start) {
+			char plus[2] = { LETTERS[index - 1], '\0' };
+			next = tal(tn, struct trie_node);
+			init_trie_node(next, start, end,
+				       tal_strcat(next, tn->prefix, plus));
+		}
+	}
+	if (next)
+		ei->to = &next->agan;
+	return 0;
+static struct lazytrie *setup_trie(void)
+	struct lazytrie *lt;
+	lt = tal(NULL, struct lazytrie);
+	init_trie_node(&lt->root, 0, nwords, "");
+	aga_init_graph(&lt->g, lazytrie_edge_info,
+		       lazytrie_first_edge, lazytrie_next_edge);
+	return lt;
+int main(void)
+	struct lazytrie *lt;
+	struct aga_node *an;
+	int xn;
+	plan_tests(3 + NWORDS*2);
+	setup_words();
+	lt = setup_trie();
+	aga_dfs_start(&lt->g, &lt->root.agan);
+	xn = 0;
+	aga_dfs_foreach(an, &lt->g) {
+		struct trie_node *n = container_of(an, struct trie_node, agan);
+		diag("Visited \"%s\"\n", n->prefix);
+		if (n->isword) {
+			ok1(strcmp(n->prefix, wordarray[xn]) == 0);
+			xn++;
+		}
+	}
+	aga_finish(&lt->g);
+	tal_free(lt);
+	lt = setup_trie();
+	aga_bfs_start(&lt->g, &lt->root.agan);
+	xn = 0;
+	aga_bfs_foreach(an, &lt->g) {
+		struct trie_node *n = container_of(an, struct trie_node, agan);
+		diag("Visited \"%s\"\n", n->prefix);
+		if (n->isword) {
+			ok1(strcmp(n->prefix, wordarrayb[xn]) == 0);
+			xn++;
+		}
+	}
+	/* This exits depending on whether all tests passed */
+	return exit_status();

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