[ccan] ccanlint output prettification

Rusty Russell rusty at rustcorp.com.au
Thu Mar 24 10:05:18 EST 2011

On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 01:24:53 -0400, Joseph Adams <joeyadams3.14159 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it would be nice if ccanlint's output were prettier.  Attached
> is a quick hack to illustrate.  It prints colorized and indented
> PASS/FAIL messages, and looks like this:
> http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/6163/ccanlintpretty1.png
> Although this is a work in progress and not meant for upstream (it
> completely ignores the verbosity level), I personally have found it to
> be handy.
> Also, I'm thinking this is what ccanlint -v should output (currently,
> you need -vv to get the itemized output, which also prints other
> details).  Printing itemized output with ccanlint (no arguments) would
> likely be annoying for small modules that don't have time-consuming
> tests.  However, an animated progress indicator would be neat.
> Also, the output in the demo is significantly wider than 80
> characters.  This could be fixed by making the descriptions shorter
> and/or omitting the test keys in the output.
> I plan to implement this when I have an abundance of time.  In the
> mean time, thoughts?

I like it!

I've been wrestling with verbosity levels in ccanlint for a while.  I
think you're right, that -s should suppress all output, that the default
should be a progress bar, and this should be -v.

Let's think about when a test fails, or doesn't get 100%.  How about

                -s      ""      -v      -vv           
Success         -       -       Print   Print
Fail            -       Print   Print   Print
< 100%          -       -       Print   Print
Error message   -       -       Limited All  

"Limited" means truncating at 5 lines with "... -vv for more" message.

-vv would also print verbose materials, like how we constructed the
examples from Example: fragments if they failed to compile, and the gcov

Above that (-vvv and -vvvv) should be for debugging ccanlint itself;
-vvv to show a one-line-per activity (eg. compiling a file), and -vvvv
should show everything (including all command output).


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