[ccan] [PATCH 1/3] opt: add integer helpers that accept k, M, G, T, P, E suffixes

Douglas Bagnall douglas at paradise.net.nz
Sun Aug 14 15:40:04 EST 2011

On 14/08/11 00:41, Rusty Russell wrote:

> One nasty bug showed up in the final patch when testing on 32 bit:

Oh, sorry, and thank you.

I did afterwards realise that I'd never tried 32 bit, so I'm glad the
tests compiled and even tested something.

> I changed sizeof(suffixes) to strlen(suffixes) (rather than changing
> suffixes to an array), which is one less than you meant, but more
> correct.

I think the strlen is what I meant -- it is just, somehow, not what I


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