[Cbe-oss-dev] Linux driver for PS3 bluetooth remote

Massimo Messore massimo.messore at tin.it
Wed Aug 1 01:20:20 EST 2007

Hi all,

I'll be going to develop a driver to make the Sony BT remote for PS3 working
in Linux. I'm not an expert in kernel programming but I've a previous
experience with a driver for a IR remote (running under Linux 2.4.30) that
simply catches button presses from a GPIO interface and then convert and
redirect them on /dev/input/event interface.

My idea is to basically replicate such behaviour by capturing button presses
from L2CAP events and then forward them to /dev/input/event interface.

I don't know if this is the best way to figure out this issue (probably not)
but I didn't read yet on internet or on this mailing list that there is a
planning to make the PS3 remote work in linux (except for some python
scripts that are not yet usable).

Before I start this job I just want to be check if there are people here
that are currently doing something "cleaner" to integrate the PS3 BT remote
in PS3 Linux. If it is so maybe we can help each other.

Thanks in advance,
Massimo Messore

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