<html><body><p>Stewart,<br><br>For petitboot changes for Briggs and Stratton, a great deal was made of the messages and pb-discover work done during the petitboot to assure the user there was no performance slowdown.<br><br>The PetitBoot release notes do not call attention to this other than the "server connect message" was made more clear.<br>
<ul>v1.3.2 and v1.2.7 both contain the following new fixes:<br><br>- discover/platform-powerpc: Reject bootdevs with empty UUIDs<br> This fixes an NVRAM parsing issue that could lead to a segfault in the<br> ncurses UI. v1.2.7 also fixes this for old-style bootdev parameters.<br><br>- ui/ncurses: Spin child to ensure autoboot cancelled on exit<br> Avoids the scenario where a user could exit the UI and have the<br> pb-discover server still autoboot from underneath them.<br><br><font color="#0000FF">- ui/ncurses: Make server connect message more clear.</font></ul><br><br>But this was added to the OpenPower Briggs and Stratton readme :<br>
<ul><font size="4" face="Times New Roman">The V2.00 firmware for LC Server is now less verbose during boot - only error-level messages are printed during Petitboot bootloader initialization. This means that there will be fewer messages printed as the system boots.</font><br><br><font size="4" face="Times New Roman">Additionally, the Petitboot user interface is started earlier in the boot process. This means that you will be presented with the user interface sooner, but it may still take time, potentially up to 30 seconds, for the user interface to be populated with boot options as storage and network hardware is being initialized. During this time, Petitboot will show the status message "Info: Waiting for device discovery". When Petitboot device discovery is completed, the following status message will be shown "Info: Connected to pb-discover!".</font></ul><br>Will the OPAL 860.10 users moving up to 860.20 (V1.2.6 to V1.2.7 for petitboot need the same guidance that was given to the Briggs and Stratton users to let thme performance is actually similar.<br><br>Or is this new behavior only seen on BMC systems with the FSP doing the PB discovery as part of its VPD collection process? Therefore, there is no impact for the Power 860 systems? <br><br><br>Regards,<br><br>Mike Landry mlandry@us.ibm.com <br>Dept BRAA, 040-3-C228, IBM, Rochester, MN<br>Power Systems Enablement (formerly Power Firmware Development) Publications and Test<br>(507) 253-5157 IBM T/L 8- 553-5157 <br>WWW - <a href="http://w3.rchland.ibm.com/~v2aicmll">http://w3.rchland.ibm.com/~v2aicmll</a> <br><br><BR>