[PATCH 1/3] trivial: Clean up 'views/xmlrpc.py'

Stephen Finucane stephen.finucane at intel.com
Sat Oct 10 14:21:49 AEDT 2015

From: Stephen Finucane <stephenfinucane at hotmail.com>

Resolve some issues with the aforementioned file. These are mostly
stylistic changes.

Signed-off-by: Stephen Finucane <stephenfinucane at hotmail.com>
 patchwork/views/xmlrpc.py | 301 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 157 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

diff --git a/patchwork/views/xmlrpc.py b/patchwork/views/xmlrpc.py
index c025c09..8715dea 100644
--- a/patchwork/views/xmlrpc.py
+++ b/patchwork/views/xmlrpc.py
@@ -21,17 +21,19 @@
 from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher
-from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, \
-    HttpResponseServerError
+import base64
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
 from django.core import urlresolvers
 from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
+from django.http import (
+    HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseServerError)
+from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
 from patchwork.models import Patch, Project, Person, State
 from patchwork.views import patch_to_mbox
-from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
-import sys
-import base64
-import xmlrpclib
 class PatchworkXMLRPCDispatcher(SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher):
@@ -52,7 +54,6 @@ class PatchworkXMLRPCDispatcher(SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher):
     def register_function(self, fn, auth_required):
         self.func_map[fn.__name__] = (auth_required, fn)
     def _user_for_request(self, request):
         auth_header = None
@@ -62,23 +63,22 @@ class PatchworkXMLRPCDispatcher(SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher):
             auth_header = request.META.get('Authorization')
         if auth_header is None or auth_header == '':
-            raise Exception("No authentication credentials given")
+            raise Exception('No authentication credentials given')
-        str = auth_header.strip()
+        header = auth_header.strip()
-        if not str.startswith('Basic '):
-            raise Exception("Authentication scheme not supported")
+        if not header.startswith('Basic '):
+            raise Exception('Authentication scheme not supported')
-        str = str[len('Basic '):].strip()
+        header = header[len('Basic '):].strip()
-            decoded = base64.decodestring(str)
+            decoded = base64.decodestring(header)
             username, password = decoded.split(':', 1)
-            raise Exception("Invalid authentication credentials")
-        return authenticate(username = username, password = password)
+            raise Exception('Invalid authentication credentials')
+        return authenticate(username=username, password=password)
     def _dispatch(self, request, method, params):
         if method not in self.func_map.keys():
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class PatchworkXMLRPCDispatcher(SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher):
         if auth_required:
             user = self._user_for_request(request)
             if not user:
-                raise Exception("Invalid username/password")
+                raise Exception('Invalid username/password')
             params = (user,) + params
@@ -108,20 +108,21 @@ class PatchworkXMLRPCDispatcher(SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher):
             # report exception back to server
             response = self.dumps(
-                xmlrpclib.Fault(1, "%s:%s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)),
-                )
+                xmlrpclib.Fault(1, '%s:%s' % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)),
+            )
         return response
 dispatcher = PatchworkXMLRPCDispatcher()
 # XMLRPC view function
 def xmlrpc(request):
     if request.method != 'POST':
-        return HttpResponseRedirect(
-                urlresolvers.reverse('patchwork.views.help',
-                    kwargs = {'path': 'pwclient/'}))
+        return HttpResponseRedirect(urlresolvers.reverse(
+            'patchwork.views.help', kwargs={'path': 'pwclient/'}))
     response = HttpResponse()
@@ -134,7 +135,9 @@ def xmlrpc(request):
 # decorator for XMLRPC methods. Setting login_required to true will call
 # the decorated function with a non-optional user as the first argument.
-def xmlrpc_method(login_required = False):
+def xmlrpc_method(login_required=False):
     def wrap(f):
         dispatcher.register_function(f, login_required)
         return f
@@ -142,11 +145,11 @@ def xmlrpc_method(login_required = False):
     return wrap
 # We allow most of the Django field lookup types for remote queries
-LOOKUP_TYPES = ["iexact", "contains", "icontains", "gt", "gte", "lt",
-                "in", "startswith", "istartswith", "endswith",
-                "iendswith", "range", "year", "month", "day", "isnull" ]
+LOOKUP_TYPES = ['iexact', 'contains', 'icontains', 'gt', 'gte', 'lt',
+                'in', 'startswith', 'istartswith', 'endswith',
+                'iendswith', 'range', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'isnull']
 # Helper functions
@@ -155,12 +158,12 @@ LOOKUP_TYPES = ["iexact", "contains", "icontains", "gt", "gte", "lt",
 def project_to_dict(obj):
     """Return a trimmed down dictionary representation of a Project
     object which is OK to send to the client."""
-    return \
-        {
-         'id'           : obj.id,
-         'linkname'     : obj.linkname,
-         'name'         : obj.name,
-        }
+    return {
+        'id': obj.id,
+        'linkname': obj.linkname,
+        'name': obj.name,
+    }
 def person_to_dict(obj):
     """Return a trimmed down dictionary representation of a Person
@@ -173,71 +176,72 @@ def person_to_dict(obj):
         name = obj.email
-    return \
-        {
-         'id'           : obj.id,
-         'email'        : obj.email,
-         'name'         : name,
-         'user'         : unicode(obj.user).encode("utf-8"),
-        }
+    return {
+        'id': obj.id,
+        'email': obj.email,
+        'name': name,
+        'user': unicode(obj.user).encode('utf-8'),
+    }
 def patch_to_dict(obj):
     """Return a trimmed down dictionary representation of a Patch
     object which is OK to send to the client."""
-    return \
-        {
-         'id'           : obj.id,
-         'date'         : unicode(obj.date).encode("utf-8"),
-         'filename'     : obj.filename(),
-         'msgid'        : obj.msgid,
-         'name'         : obj.name,
-         'project'      : unicode(obj.project).encode("utf-8"),
-         'project_id'   : obj.project_id,
-         'state'        : unicode(obj.state).encode("utf-8"),
-         'state_id'     : obj.state_id,
-         'archived'     : obj.archived,
-         'submitter'    : unicode(obj.submitter).encode("utf-8"),
-         'submitter_id' : obj.submitter_id,
-         'delegate'     : unicode(obj.delegate).encode("utf-8"),
-         'delegate_id'  : max(obj.delegate_id, 0),
-         'commit_ref'   : max(obj.commit_ref, ''),
-        }
+    return {
+        'id': obj.id,
+        'date': unicode(obj.date).encode('utf-8'),
+        'filename': obj.filename(),
+        'msgid': obj.msgid,
+        'name': obj.name,
+        'project': unicode(obj.project).encode('utf-8'),
+        'project_id': obj.project_id,
+        'state': unicode(obj.state).encode('utf-8'),
+        'state_id': obj.state_id,
+        'archived': obj.archived,
+        'submitter': unicode(obj.submitter).encode('utf-8'),
+        'submitter_id': obj.submitter_id,
+        'delegate': unicode(obj.delegate).encode('utf-8'),
+        'delegate_id': max(obj.delegate_id, 0),
+        'commit_ref': max(obj.commit_ref, ''),
+    }
 def bundle_to_dict(obj):
     """Return a trimmed down dictionary representation of a Bundle
     object which is OK to send to the client."""
-    return \
-        {
-         'id'           : obj.id,
-         'name'         : obj.name,
-         'n_patches'    : obj.n_patches(),
-         'public_url'   : obj.public_url(),
-        }
+    return {
+        'id': obj.id,
+        'name': obj.name,
+        'n_patches': obj.n_patches(),
+        'public_url': obj.public_url(),
+    }
 def state_to_dict(obj):
     """Return a trimmed down dictionary representation of a State
     object which is OK to send to the client."""
-    return \
-        {
-         'id'           : obj.id,
-         'name'         : obj.name,
-        }
+    return {
+        'id': obj.id,
+        'name': obj.name,
+    }
 # Public XML-RPC methods
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def pw_rpc_version():
     """Return Patchwork XML-RPC interface version."""
     return 1
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
-def project_list(search_str="", max_count=0):
+ at xmlrpc_method()
+def project_list(search_str='', max_count=0):
     """Get a list of projects matching the given filters."""
         if len(search_str) > 0:
-            projects = Project.objects.filter(linkname__icontains = search_str)
+            projects = Project.objects.filter(linkname__icontains=search_str)
             projects = Project.objects.all()
@@ -245,25 +249,27 @@ def project_list(search_str="", max_count=0):
             return map(project_to_dict, projects)[:max_count]
             return map(project_to_dict, projects)
-    except:
+    except Project.DoesNotExist:
         return []
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def project_get(project_id):
     """Return structure for the given project ID."""
-        project = Project.objects.filter(id = project_id)[0]
+        project = Project.objects.filter(id=project_id)[0]
         return project_to_dict(project)
-    except:
+    except Project.DoesNotExist:
         return {}
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def person_list(search_str="", max_count=0):
     """Get a list of Person objects matching the given filters."""
         if len(search_str) > 0:
-            people = (Person.objects.filter(name__icontains = search_str) |
-                Person.objects.filter(email__icontains = search_str))
+            people = (Person.objects.filter(name__icontains=search_str) |
+                      Person.objects.filter(email__icontains=search_str))
             people = Person.objects.all()
@@ -271,46 +277,50 @@ def person_list(search_str="", max_count=0):
             return map(person_to_dict, people)[:max_count]
             return map(person_to_dict, people)
-    except:
+    except Person.DoesNotExist:
         return []
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def person_get(person_id):
     """Return structure for the given person ID."""
-        person = Person.objects.filter(id = person_id)[0]
+        person = Person.objects.filter(id=person_id)[0]
         return person_to_dict(person)
-    except:
+    except Person.DoesNotExist:
         return {}
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
-def patch_list(filter={}):
+ at xmlrpc_method()
+def patch_list(filt=None):
     """Get a list of patches matching the given filters."""
+    if filt is None:
+        filt = {}
         # We allow access to many of the fields.  But, some fields are
         # filtered by raw object so we must lookup by ID instead over
         # XML-RPC.
         ok_fields = [
-            "id",
-            "name",
-            "project_id",
-            "submitter_id",
-            "delegate_id",
-            "archived",
-            "state_id",
-            "date",
-            "commit_ref",
-            "hash",
-            "msgid",
-            "max_count",
-            ]
+            'id',
+            'name',
+            'project_id',
+            'submitter_id',
+            'delegate_id',
+            'archived',
+            'state_id',
+            'date',
+            'commit_ref',
+            'hash',
+            'msgid',
+            'max_count',
+        ]
         dfilter = {}
         max_count = 0
-        for key in filter:
-            parts = key.split("__")
+        for key in filt:
+            parts = key.split('__')
             if parts[0] not in ok_fields:
                 # Invalid field given
                 return []
@@ -320,21 +330,17 @@ def patch_list(filter={}):
                     return []
             if parts[0] == 'project_id':
-                dfilter['project'] = Project.objects.filter(id =
-                                        filter[key])[0]
+                dfilter['project'] = Project.objects.filter(id=filt[key])[0]
             elif parts[0] == 'submitter_id':
-                dfilter['submitter'] = Person.objects.filter(id =
-                                        filter[key])[0]
+                dfilter['submitter'] = Person.objects.filter(id=filt[key])[0]
             elif parts[0] == 'delegate_id':
-                dfilter['delegate'] = Person.objects.filter(id =
-                                        filter[key])[0]
+                dfilter['delegate'] = Person.objects.filter(id=filt[key])[0]
             elif parts[0] == 'state_id':
-                dfilter['state'] = State.objects.filter(id =
-                                        filter[key])[0]
+                dfilter['state'] = State.objects.filter(id=filt[key])[0]
             elif parts[0] == 'max_count':
-                max_count = filter[key]
+                max_count = filt[key]
-                dfilter[key] = filter[key]
+                dfilter[key] = filt[key]
         patches = Patch.objects.filter(**dfilter)
@@ -342,64 +348,69 @@ def patch_list(filter={}):
             return map(patch_to_dict, patches[:max_count])
             return map(patch_to_dict, patches)
-    except:
+    except Patch.DoesNotExist:
         return []
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def patch_get(patch_id):
     """Return structure for the given patch ID."""
-        patch = Patch.objects.filter(id = patch_id)[0]
+        patch = Patch.objects.filter(id=patch_id)[0]
         return patch_to_dict(patch)
-    except:
+    except Patch.DoesNotExist:
         return {}
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def patch_get_by_hash(hash):
     """Return structure for the given patch hash."""
-        patch = Patch.objects.filter(hash = hash)[0]
+        patch = Patch.objects.filter(hash=hash)[0]
         return patch_to_dict(patch)
-    except:
+    except Patch.DoesNotExist:
         return {}
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def patch_get_by_project_hash(project, hash):
     """Return structure for the given patch hash."""
-        patch = Patch.objects.filter(project__linkname = project,
-                                     hash = hash)[0]
+        patch = Patch.objects.filter(project__linkname=project,
+                                     hash=hash)[0]
         return patch_to_dict(patch)
-    except:
+    except Patch.DoesNotExist:
         return {}
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def patch_get_mbox(patch_id):
     """Return mbox string for the given patch ID."""
-        patch = Patch.objects.filter(id = patch_id)[0]
+        patch = Patch.objects.filter(id=patch_id)[0]
         return patch_to_mbox(patch).as_string(True)
-    except:
-        return ""
+    except Patch.DoesNotExist:
+        return ''
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def patch_get_diff(patch_id):
     """Return diff for the given patch ID."""
-        patch = Patch.objects.filter(id = patch_id)[0]
+        patch = Patch.objects.filter(id=patch_id)[0]
         return patch.content
-    except:
-        return ""
+    except Patch.DoesNotExist:
+        return ''
- at xmlrpc_method(True)
+ at xmlrpc_method(login_required=True)
 def patch_set(user, patch_id, params):
     """Update a patch with the key,value pairs in params. Only some parameters
        can be set"""
         ok_params = ['state', 'commit_ref', 'archived']
-        patch = Patch.objects.get(id = patch_id)
+        patch = Patch.objects.get(id=patch_id)
         if not patch.is_editable(user):
             raise Exception('No permissions to edit this patch')
@@ -409,7 +420,7 @@ def patch_set(user, patch_id, params):
             if k == 'state':
-                patch.state = State.objects.get(id = v)
+                patch.state = State.objects.get(id=v)
                 setattr(patch, k, v)
@@ -418,15 +429,16 @@ def patch_set(user, patch_id, params):
         return True
-    except:
+    except Patch.DoesNotExist:
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
-def state_list(search_str="", max_count=0):
+ at xmlrpc_method()
+def state_list(search_str='', max_count=0):
     """Get a list of state structures matching the given search string."""
         if len(search_str) > 0:
-            states = State.objects.filter(name__icontains = search_str)
+            states = State.objects.filter(name__icontains=search_str)
             states = State.objects.all()
@@ -434,14 +446,15 @@ def state_list(search_str="", max_count=0):
             return map(state_to_dict, states)[:max_count]
             return map(state_to_dict, states)
-    except:
+    except State.DoesNotExist:
         return []
- at xmlrpc_method(False)
+ at xmlrpc_method()
 def state_get(state_id):
     """Return structure for the given state ID."""
-        state = State.objects.filter(id = state_id)[0]
+        state = State.objects.filter(id=state_id)[0]
         return state_to_dict(state)
-    except:
+    except State.DoesNotExist:
         return {}

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