scripts interaction of Patchwork and Git

Paul Menzel paulepanter at
Sun Jan 24 03:03:11 EST 2010

Dear Patchwork users,

OpenEmbedded [2] is using Git for source code management and Patchwork
for patch tracking. Just today `pwclient` was mentioned on the list
while we were thinking about easier interaction with Patchwork. So a lot
of feature are probably unknown to us.

Before I send other question in a separate threads I was wondering if
you could share your scripts you all wrote to make your life easier as
for example Git hooks.

Jeremy mentioned he has some scripts in [1]. Unfortunately I could not
find those searching for
»site: git scripts«.

Could you please help out and publish your scripts/tools? There is also
a TODO item for this.

        $ grep "example scripts" TODO 
        * pwclient: add example scripts (eg, git post-commit hook) to online help

Thank you in advance,


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