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<p>[Subject changed to reflect actual context]<br>
<p>Hi Ratan,</p>
<p>Â With current OpenBMC, I don't any event log getting added for
new local user creation. To implement that below are two place we
need to add support:</p>
<p>1) Define an new message retry ID for user addition(say
UserAdded) in bmcweb.</p>
<p>2) Add a event log during new user addition inside
phospor-user-manager(createUser function).</p>
<p>While you are adding event log for new local user creation,
Please consider other case too( Like Delete, Update, Rename etc..)</p>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 5/28/2020 6:56 PM, Ratan Gupta
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<p>Hi Appu,</p>
<p>Can you get me an example say if I want an redfish event to be
generated once any local user gets added on the BMC.</p>
<p>What would be the steps to be done with the current design and
where(which repo)?</p>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 5/28/20 12:28 AM, Puli, Apparao
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<p>Â Â The dictionary to map Redfish resourceType and D-Bus
object path( I believe URI intern) is good. It will be great
if you share design document, if its done. <br>
<p>At the moment, redfish event logs file(/var/log/redfish)
doesn't have ResourceTypes and OriginResource fields. The
Existing redfish event log implementation(log service) also
doesn't have support for that. You can propose design change
for same along with how it is used in event log service. Same
thing, can be adopted to EventService, once its agreed by
OEM's( I am thinking, it should go under new OEM specific
compiler flag. But that we can ratify later).</p>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 5/27/2020 5:20 PM, RAJESWARAN
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<p>Thanks a lot for your suggestions. We lean towards using a
dictionary to map Redfish ResourceType to D-Bus objects path
and vice versa and then using D-Bus match to generate life
cycle events. This way, the changes are limited to bmcweb.
The resource type and the origin resource URI will be
included in the event log. This requires change in the
format of event log file /var/log/redfish. I have commented
the same in the server sent event patch that you have
uploaded. Kindly see if you can leave the parsing of file to
the OEMs. That way, the existing infrastructure can be used
by the OEMs to support other filtering mechanisms as defined
in the specification.</p>
<p>Â <br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 27-05-2020 09:18, Puli,
Apparao wrote:<br>
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<p>Hi Rajeswaran,</p>
<p>Â Thanks for your mail. At the moment, I don't have plans
to support the "ResourceTypes", "OriginResources" based
filtering. Basically Intel uses file systems based
redfish event logs( journalctl -> rsync->
filesystem) and doesn't use D-Bus mechanism like IBM uses.
So I am not much familiar with D-Bus logging but some of
the suggestions:</p>
<p> 1) While logging redfish events over D-Bus itself, it
can provide details on ResourceTypes and OriginResource
URI/Path. <br>
<p>    This is ideal and most efficient way. Since we
walked a walked long distance from start, Its hard to
modify all the services to uses these 2 new input
parameters while logging events( Requires change in almost
all repo's)<br>
<p>2) For resourcesTypes: Can have mapping dictionary
against all MessageId's. For OriginResources: I believe,
event log over D-Bus is already holding the Path. If so,
last 3/4 nodes of uri can be taken and mapped against the
resources and that can be used in Event filtering. We did
used same mechanism in case of telemetry while mapping
MetricReportDefinitions to URI.</p>
<p>Hope this helps.</p>
<p>-Appu <br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 5/26/2020 5:50 PM,
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<p>Apparao, <br>
<p>I see that you have uploaded a patch(<a
for supporting server sent events. This patch supports
event filtering based on registry prefix and/or
messageId. <br>
<p>I would like to know if you have any plan to support
event filtering based on resource type. If so, I would
like to work together for a better solution. Earlier, I
have proposed a solution based on D-Bus match using a
dictionary. With that approach, the major challenge is
to map Redfish resource and properties to D-Bus object
and properties respectively.  If D-Bus applications are
modified to include resource type and origin of
condition in the event, then there is no need for a map.
But,that brings Redfish terminology to the application.
Also, this will become an overhead if an OEM is not
interested in Redfish event service. <br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 25-02-2020 19:36, Puli,
Apparao wrote:<br>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<p>Hi Ratan,</p>
<p>Â Â Comments in-line<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2/24/2020 12:07 PM,
Ratan Gupta wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<p>Hi Apparao,</p>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2/20/20 12:49 AM,
Puli, Apparao wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
 I am sorry for late response as this mail is
buried under and got struck back of my mind. <br>
As i did mentioned in EventService design document,
EventLog Monitor service is not common across the
organizations( Example: Intel uses the redfish event
logs file and inotify mechanism for monitoring the
event logs. Where as IBM uses d-bus event log
mechanism and they can relay on match rules). That
said challenges with ResourceType mapping will be
different in both monitoring mechanisms. This is
good point. Initially when i started EventService
design, i thought we can have mapping in bmcweb for
ResourceTypes with set of MessageID's for Logged
events ( As per Intel design) but not sure that may
become difficult when we expand supported
ResourceTypes. <br>
<p><tt>If I am getting correctly, Here is the flow
which Intel uses.</tt></p>
<li><tt>Individual repo have to push the logs using
sd_journal_send which will write to the
file(/var/log/redfish) by using rsyslog daemon</tt></li>
<pre><span class="pl-en"> sd_journal_send</span>(<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>MESSAGE=%s<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>, <span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>journal text<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>, <span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>PRIORITY=%i<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>, <LOG_LEVEL>,
<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>REDFISH_MESSAGE_ID=%s<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>,
<span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds">"</span>ResourceEvent.1.0.ResourceCreated<span class="pl-pds">"</span></span>, <span class="pl-c1">NULL</span>);
<li> <tt>How you would populate the "</tt><tt><span
class="treeLabel objectLabel"
aria-labelledby="default" data-level="3">OriginOfCondition</span></tt><tt>"
during sending of event? (<a
<p><tt>Currently in logServices( logEntry), we are not
reporting the "OriginOfCondition" property as per
schema. I will check with Jason( Who wrote the
logService) and get back on this.</tt></p>
<p><tt>BTW can you give me how this information is
fetched in IBM way of LogService implementation(
D-Bus)? If you already ratified any such, i think we
can leverage. If not, We work together for
solution. <br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<li><tt> Any plan to add resource path in this
journal message which tells that this is the
path for which resource created event
<tt>Same as above.</tt><br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<li><tt> Would the path be "Redfish Path/ D-bus
As per Redfish specification, This should be "@odata.id"
which means it should be of resource uri and so we can't
use d-bus path here for OriginOfConditions.<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<li><tt>Where the mapping would be done between
D-busPath/Redfish Resource path?</tt></li>
Cons: Every application have to make the change(use sd_journal_send).
My thought is backend application should not be aware of the redfish terminlogy.</pre>
<p>Having separate process only for this mapping may not
be good( No different from maintaining that map inside
bmcweb as there won't be any other consumers). Ideal
way is, that should be mapped while logging logEntry's
itself. But we are not doing it currently which need
to be re-looked. Give me some time, I will think and
check with other folks and get back.<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<p><tt>Â Â <b> 2.</b> Some application(bmcweb) would do
the Inotify on the path(/var/log/redfish) and send
the event once there is any activity on this file.</tt></p>
<pre>> I thought we can have mapping in bmcweb for ResourceTypes with set of MessageID's for Logged events ( As
per Intel design)
Can you explain more here. What is your plan? How you would do the Resource Type based event filtering? <span class="pl-s">REDFISH_MESSAGE_ID is different than the resource type.</span></pre>
Initially i thought "ResourceType" based event filtering
can be done using minimal mapping( Using MessageID and
args). But that will work for minimal set. If the
supported ResourceTypes grows, we will have bigger
challenges which i can sense it now. Anyway, Supported
Resources are completely implementation specific. If
this value is empty means, by default all event logs
will be sent to subscribers. This is what we can start
with before supported ResourceTypes list grows.<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<pre><span class="pl-s"><span class="pl-pds"></span></span><span class="pl-s"></span></pre>
<blockquote type="cite"
As per my reading from below query, You are looking
at d-bus match rules and ResourceTypes mapping which
is more specific to d-bus event logging(IBM way of
implementing event logging). reading it from journal
logs will give more information but that will impact
the performance to large extent. This might be one
of the reason why we (Intel) uses Redfish message ID
while logging redfish events logs to journal(You can
refer design document for same at <a
In opinion, in your d-bus if you are using some kind
of filter(Example REDFISH_MESSAGE_ID) while logging
in journal logs for all events and figure out the
way to monitor the journal logs without impacting
the performance, that should be ok as long as match
filters are satisfied for Redfish EventService
subscriptions and supported Types(Again differs with
implementation). <br>
Thanks, <br>
-Appu <br>
wrote: <br>
<blockquote type="cite">ApparaRao. <br>
As you have shown interest in this feature and
submitted the design document, do you have any
opinion on this? Do you see any merit in using
D-Bus match in bmcweb to create event logs for
life cycle events? Please feel free to weigh in.
Thanks, <br>
Rajes <br>
wrote: <br>
<blockquote type="cite">Hi, <br>
I am going through the bmcweb code for
implementing Redfish EventService based on the
design document <a
This design is hooked to the journal based
Redfish Event Logging. For life cycle
events(ResourceAdded, ResourceRemoved,
ResourceUpdated), using D-Bus match, bmcweb can
create an event log. This requires a JSON
dictionary, comprising an array of Redfish
Resource Name and the D-Bus path. This approach
works only in case of one to one mapping of
Redfish Resource Name and the D-Bus path. For
propertiesChanged events, if the Redfish
Resource property is not on the same D-Bus path
or the Redfish Resource property name is
different from the D-Bus property name, then an
additional JSON dictionary to maintain this
information is required. With D-Bus match alone
in the bmcweb, Redfish EventService can't be
fully supported. For the Message Registers and
the Resource Types that are supported, the
relevant OpenBMC application must create an
event log in the journal using either the
phosphor::logging::entry or sd_journal_send()
command. <br>
After realizing that with D-Bus match in the
bmcweb alone can't help to fully implement
EventService, I prefer to avoid using D-Bus
match in bmcweb. Instead, I prefer to modify the
OpenBMC application that generated the event to
create an event log in the journal. Do you see
any advantage of using combination of D-Bus
match in the bmcweb wherever it is possible and
changes to OpenBMC application in other cases to
create an event log ? <br>
Your views are highly appreciated. <br>
Thanks, <br>
Rajes <br>