<html><body><p><font size="2">Greetings, </font><br><font size="2">during the recent OpenPOWER Developers Congress it became apparent that there was a need; beyond the mailing list, to have a discussion about what is going on in the OpenBMC Project and how to improve communication. I committed to creating an event and to reach out to our ever growing community for topics. Is there something that you would like to hear about or understand more? Are you looking for places to volunteer or show off a technology using OpenBMC? The tentative plan is to hold an over-the-phone discussion during the week of July 10-15th. The exact date and time really depend on the time zones I get feedback from. So what would you like to hear about?</font><br><br><font size="2"><br>Chris Austen<br>OpenBMC Community Evangelist</font><BR>