<html><body><p><font size="2">OpenBMC training at the OpenPOWER Developers Congress. </font><br><br><font size="2">Enhance your skills of OpenBMC and OCC (On Chip Controller) by coming to the Developers Congress in San Francisco May 22-25. Topics include adding services, UI exploration, simulation. testing and debugging. Wednesday will be a Codeathon day to write a Redfish interface. Thursday will focus on tailoring OpenBMC to fit your needs. </font><br><br><a href="https://openpowerfoundation.org/openpower-developer-congress/"><font size="2">https://openpowerfoundation.org/openpower-developer-congress/</font></a><br><font size="2"><br>Sign up if you can make it</font><br><br><br><font size="2">Chris Austen<br>POWER Systems Enablement Manager <br></font><BR>