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<font size="+1">/org/openbmc/settings/host0 provides the dbus
properties that are settable via
The properties are treated as user settings and are consumed by
respective daemons by having a signal handler registered for
PropertyChanged method.<br>
The challenge at the hand is "How to make sure the users that set
the property are choosing a valid value".<br>
Since its set by org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Set, the ideal
way would be to register a callback that would validate the user
input based on custom algo and then only would let the .Set
Without an interceptor, the user settings may be as junk as
"abcdef" and the *settings damon* can only react to that change
and can put the previous value back into it post verification.<br>
I did a lot of search on ways to register an interceptor and did
not see one. I then asked in #dbus and they told me that there is
no way to intercept that.<br>
So the solution what I have at the moment is to<br>
1) Disable the property set via freedesktop<br>
2) Introduce a custom Setter "org.openbmc.Settings.Host.Set" which
can do the job of validating the inputs also.<br>
Please let me know if there are better approaches.<br>
Vishwanatha Subbanna.<br>