Does SSE Notification on OpenBMC/BMCWEB work?

Carlos Mazieri cmazieri at
Sat Jan 27 01:28:28 AEDT 2024

I am trying to test SSE using the machine Romulus on QEMU.
What I did to start is just point my browser to a such URL like https://localhost:18080/redfish/v1/EventService/SSE and I got "Not Found".
What I found interesting is, in the file "http/routing/sserule.hpp",  the method handle() just sets the result as not found.
Here is the piece of the code:

class SseSocketRule : public BaseRule


    using self_t = SseSocketRule;


    explicit SseSocketRule(const std::string& ruleIn) : BaseRule(ruleIn) {}

    void validate() override {}

    void handle(const Request& /*req*/,

                const std::shared_ptr<bmcweb::AsyncResp>& asyncResp,

                const std::vector<std::string>& /*params*/) override




Can you guys confirm if SSE currently works on OpenBMC and if so how can I test it properly?

Thanks in advance ,
Carlos Mazieri
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