GXP support into OpenBMC kernel

Joel Stanley joel at jms.id.au
Tue Apr 11 14:39:12 AEST 2023

On Wed, 5 Apr 2023 at 23:40, Verdun, Jean-Marie <verdun at hpe.com> wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> Thanks for your answer. Here is the process that I propose, let me know if that doesn't match your expectation.
> - We keep upstreaming into 6.2x and we will warn you about need to backport (I hope it will be easy but I think it will be the case)

You can't upstream to 6.2, that is already released. Did you mean
mainline? That would be 6.4, although realistically if you don't have
patches merged yet then you're targeting 6.5.

> - In parallel, we start enabling some of our gen11 machines into openbmc repo and point to standard openbmc kernel. We have decided to have a fine grain process to upstream and do it one step at a time. That might look like a little bit overkill, but I think that will be efficient.

Yes, that's a good plan.

I've picked all of the GXP patches from mainline that were merged
after 6.1 that I could find. Take a look here, if it looks okay I'll
merge them into the openbmc tree:


> - When we identify potential bottleneck, we discuss through the mailing list about them, and get your feedbacks on how to process.
> We would like to apply the same approach with u-boot, if that is ok for you

u-boot is a bit harder. I would prefer not to apply them to the 4 year
old aspeed tree, as that is already too old. Instead we could start a
new branch based on the most recent release.



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