Propose a new application for reading DIMM SPD directly

Michael Shen gpgpgp at
Tue Feb 8 16:10:37 AEDT 2022

Hi Openbmc,

We would like to propose an application that directly reads the DIMM
SPD over HW interface(mostly I2C/I3C).

If I understand correctly, the main method for obtaining the SPD
information in openbmc is from SMBIOS which is prepared by BIOS. And
We are exploring another way that excludes the involvement of BIOS.

The architecture of this application will be similar to the
openbmc/smbios-mdr (the dimm part). The main difference will be the
data source (changed from SMBIOS to SPD).

Currently the code is still being implemented, and we plan to support
DDR5 SPD first, then expand to other DDR generation(if needed).

If this proposal looks good to you, please help to create a repo for
this application.


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