D-Bus interface to provide data to entity manager

Deepak Kodihalli dkodihal at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri May 29 15:11:09 AEST 2020

On 29/05/20 12:01 am, James Feist wrote:
> On 5/28/2020 11:05 AM, Patrick Williams wrote:
>> On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 10:12:19PM +0530, Thomaiyar, Richard Marian 
>> wrote:
>>> On 5/28/2020 5:54 PM, Deepak Kodihalli wrote:
>>>> On 28/05/20 5:33 pm, Patrick Williams wrote:
>>> Why do we need to have 2 different interfaces to represent the same
>>> information for FRU-to-inventory transformational (say ProductName). 
>>> This
>>> will make inventory manager to be updated for every FRU producer?. 
>>> Many of
>>> the properties are common, and we can form a common interface for 
>>> that, and
>>> rest can be maintained in it's specific interface. I understand that 
>>> current
>>> FRU to Entity-manager interface seems to be private, but we must make a
>>> common interface to represent like Product Name, PartNumer, Serial 
>>> Number
>>> etc. (instead of maintaining it in different interface saying IPMI / 
>>> PLDM
>>> Source, with different types). How about?
>> Yes, I am in favor of common interfaces for this where ever possible.
>> Is there someone that knows the existing FruDevice implementation well
>> enough that can be included in this work to propose common interfaces
>> where it is appropriate?
> Yes, I wrote it. I can review the changes, however if you read the ipmi 
> fru spec, which is what fru device is based of, there are many optional 
> fields based on the type of the fru. You'd probably at a minimum need an 
> interface per region supported as phosphor-dbus-interfaces does not 
> allow optional fields. I'm not sure how you'd deal with custom fields 
> either. You'd probably need everything as a superset of the fru spec, 
> and have blanks where its not populated.

I don't think it is worth trying to make a FRU device/properties 
interface that is common to PLDM and IPMI. The two FRU formats are 
different (pls see my previous email about the same).


> https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/specification-updates/ipmi-platform-mgt-fru-info-storage-def-v1-0-rev-1-3-spec-update.pdf 

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