OpenBMC Janitor/Gardener

Vijay Khemka vijaykhemka at
Thu Apr 2 05:47:39 AEDT 2020

Hi Richard,
Thanks for starting this introduction, I have been also thinking in the same line as having a wishlist per project and we can consolidate it to create pool of small project which can be grabbed by anyone who is interested in contributing. This will also reduce duplication of effort  by multiple people, it can be a common implementation.


From: openbmc < at> on behalf of Richard Hanley <rhanley at>
Date: Wednesday, April 1, 2020 at 10:37 AM
To: OpenBMC Maillist <openbmc at>
Subject: OpenBMC Janitor/Gardener


I was recently looking into the linux kernel introduction, and I noticed the kernel janitors<>.  It seems like a pretty interesting idea, and I've been thinking about janitorial tasks in OpenBMC.

For some context, we've had a handful of new developers join recently, and I've been looking for some small refactoring projects that they could work on upstream.

So I guess there are two parts to this email.  First does anyone have some bite sized improvement task that's been on their wishlist, but there hasn't been anyone around to work on it.  (In particular things around bmcweb and phosphor dbus interfaces would be appreciated).

The other thing is, what do people think would be the best way to publicize these kinds of refactoring/janitorial/gardening tasks. One way would be to create a *gardening* tag in the github issues.  That way people can set up filters for ideas that experts think are a good idea, but probably won't need deep design discussions to get started.

Another way would be to have a monthly/quarterly wishlist gathering on the mailing list.  That way we have some dedicated time to discuss issues of the day, and put them together into a markdown document (like a per project version of the security group wishlist

Maybe this is already happening, and I just haven't noticed it.  Anywho, hope you are all doing well.

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