IPMI SOL performance

Stewart Smith stewart at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Mar 21 02:20:08 AEDT 2018

Kun Yi <kunyi at google.com> writes:
> SOL performance issue aside, there is also an IPMI command for selecting
> the boot device. Is that command currently supported in the client in any
> way? That might be a more reliable solution than relying on console
> alone.

There is, and any reasonable automation kit is going to do that, except
for when it's something like my firmware test suite that executes a
bunch of commands in the petitboot shell environment, for which there's
no way to set "exit to shell" via IPMI, so we just use expect on the
console. We've worked around this in op-test by just using the ssh
console instead (and try not to pump too much data through it too
quickly so we don't hit the bug where we lose console output).

It'd be nice to be able to run the test suite over IPMI though, if only
for completeness.

Stewart Smith
OPAL Architect, IBM.

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