[2017-10-11 20:44:42,010] launcher INFO SCOOP 0.7 1.1 on win32 using Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:42:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)], API: 1013 [2017-10-11 20:44:42,010] launcher INFO Deploying 4 worker(s) over 1 host(s). [2017-10-11 20:44:42,010] launcher INFO Worker distribution: [2017-10-11 20:44:42,010] launcher INFO 3 + origin {'verbose': False, 'trace_file': None, 'fossil_limit': None, 'supply_scenario': 're100', 'carbon_price': 0, 'reserves': 0, 'discount_rate': 0.05, 'coal_price': 2.28, 'gas_price': 10.38, 'hydro_limit': 120000.0, 'reliability_std': 0.004, 'emissions_limit': None, 'ccs_storage_costs': 27.0, 'costs': 'DEN2050MID', 'bioenergy_limit': 600.0, 'demand_modifier': [], 're_limit': None, 'lolp_std': None, 'nsp_limit': 0.75, 'seed': None, 'list_scenarios': False, 'transmission': False, 'lambda_': None, 'generations': 100, 'sigma': 2.0, 'min_regional_generation': None} fitness hallfame ----------- ----------- gen nevals min min 0 14 3.78937e+18 3.78937e+18 1 14 3.35218e+18 3.35218e+18 2 14 3.37419e+18 3.35218e+18 3 14 3.2173e+18 3.2173e+18 4 14 2.90216e+18 2.90216e+18 5 14 2.56263e+18 2.56263e+18 6 14 2.40796e+18 2.40796e+18 7 14 2.30301e+18 2.30301e+18 8 14 1.94946e+18 1.94946e+18 9 14 1.90529e+18 1.90529e+18 10 14 1.73743e+18 1.73743e+18 11 14 1.58346e+18 1.58346e+18 12 14 1.44476e+18 1.44476e+18 13 14 1.14e+18 1.14e+18 14 14 1.16509e+18 1.14e+18 15 14 9.85724e+17 9.85724e+17 16 14 7.52702e+17 7.52702e+17 17 14 5.76371e+17 5.76371e+17 18 14 3.68716e+17 3.68716e+17 19 14 2.73722e+17 2.73722e+17 20 14 1.29344e+17 1.29344e+17 21 14 1.29626e+17 1.29344e+17 22 14 7.43246e+16 7.43246e+16 23 14 2.25268e+16 2.25268e+16 24 14 1.44314e+16 1.44314e+16 25 14 6.46174e+15 6.46174e+15 26 14 3.58133e+15 3.58133e+15 27 14 1.80182e+14 1.80182e+14 28 14 4.7512e+11 4.7512e+11 29 14 112.162 112.162 30 14 112.1 112.1 31 14 105.922 105.922 32 14 106.954 105.922 33 14 104.112 104.112 34 14 100.037 100.037 35 14 101.431 100.037 36 14 95.0633 95.0633 37 14 96.3014 95.0633 38 14 94.2081 94.2081 39 14 96.1453 94.2081 40 14 94.1891 94.1891 41 14 92.1572 92.1572 42 14 90.1683 90.1683 43 14 90.8264 90.1683 44 14 92.8185 90.1683 45 14 90.6949 90.1683 46 14 91.721 90.1683 47 14 93.0997 90.1683 48 14 91.1451 90.1683 49 14 90.0664 90.0664 50 14 86.871 86.871 51 14 88.6279 86.871 52 14 88.5684 86.871 53 14 86.8748 86.871 54 14 86.0412 86.0412 55 14 86.0677 86.0412 56 14 85.6263 85.6263 57 14 85.9443 85.6263 58 14 85.3989 85.3989 59 14 86.2647 85.3989 60 14 86.0705 85.3989 61 14 85.3531 85.3531 62 14 85.4432 85.3531 63 14 86.9595 85.3531 64 14 86.678 85.3531 65 14 86.4049 85.3531 66 14 85.1039 85.1039 67 14 84.8369 84.8369 68 14 84.6053 84.6053 69 14 85.234 84.6053 70 14 84.1764 84.1764 71 14 83.9957 83.9957 72 14 84.5783 83.9957 73 14 84.9237 83.9957 74 14 83.3806 83.3806 75 14 85.0331 83.3806 76 14 82.9255 82.9255 77 14 83.3554 82.9255 78 14 82.9135 82.9135 79 14 83.2947 82.9135 80 14 83.7597 82.9135 81 14 84.3946 82.9135 82 14 83.4856 82.9135 83 14 84.5328 82.9135 84 14 82.7355 82.7355 85 14 83.5363 82.7355 86 14 83.3876 82.7355 87 14 84.3694 82.7355 88 14 83.9908 82.7355 89 14 84.1488 82.7355 90 14 84.2941 82.7355 91 14 83.6281 82.7355 92 14 83.3753 82.7355 93 14 84.5189 82.7355 94 14 83.0966 82.7355 95 14 83.0552 82.7355 96 14 83.6282 82.7355 97 14 84.3789 82.7355 98 14 83.5374 82.7355 99 14 83.5616 82.7355 re100: [105.81626430032732, 0, 0, 251.57868414107708, 0, 0, 77.100151579609303, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10.697151307512454, 0, 236.56285610817108, 108.40547205642105, 321.79040882842583, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 339.85848039534022, 111.31985458626971, 0, 268.27668796421426] Generators: polygon 1 PV (JAVA:1), 105.82 GW supplied 158.4 TWh, CF 17.1%, capcost $68,568,939,266, opcost $1,968,069,087, LCOE $40 polygon 2 PV (JAVA:2), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 3 PV (JAVA:3), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 4 PV (JAVA:4), 200.00 GW supplied 299.7 TWh, CF 17.1%, surplus 18.6 TWh, capcost $129,600,000,000, opcost $3,719,877,320, LCOE $40 polygon 5 PV (JAVA:5), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 6 PV (BALI:6), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 1 wind (JAVA:1), 77.10 GW supplied 137.4 TWh, CF 20.3%, surplus 24.3 TWh, capcost $111,563,919,335, opcost $2,268,715,608, LCOE $69 polygon 2 wind (JAVA:2), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 3 wind (JAVA:3), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 4 wind (JAVA:4), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 5 wind (JAVA:5), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 6 wind (BALI:6), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 1 CST (JAVA:1), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh, solar mult 2.00, 6h storage polygon 2 CST (JAVA:2), 10.70 GW supplied 19.43 TWh, CF 20.7%, capcost $12,301,724,003, opcost $505,608,900, LCOE $67, solar mult 2.00, 6h storage polygon 3 CST (JAVA:3), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh, solar mult 2.00, 6h storage polygon 4 CST (JAVA:4), 200.00 GW supplied 409.1 TWh, CF 23.4%, capcost $230,000,000,000, opcost $9,636,507,525, LCOE $60, solar mult 2.00, 6h storage polygon 5 CST (JAVA:5), 108.41 GW supplied 181.4 TWh, CF 19.1%, capcost $124,666,292,864, opcost $5,061,925,566, LCOE $72, solar mult 2.00, 6h storage polygon 6 CST (BALI:6), 200.00 GW supplied 309.8 TWh, CF 17.7%, capcost $230,000,000,000, opcost $9,239,297,493, LCOE $78, solar mult 2.00, 6h storage polygon 1 windoffshore (JAVA:1), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 2 windoffshore (JAVA:2), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 3 windoffshore (JAVA:3), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 4 windoffshore (JAVA:4), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 5 windoffshore (JAVA:5), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh polygon 6 windoffshore (BALI:6), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh pumped-hydro (JAVA:3), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh, ran 0 hours hydro (JAVA:3), 12.00 GW supplied 41.34 TWh, CF 39.3%, capcost $27,600,000,000, opcost $805,110,866, LCOE $62, ran 3,673 hours polygon 3 Geo2 (JAVA:3), 10.00 GW supplied 32.95 TWh, CF 37.6%, capcost $20,990,000,000, opcost $423,066,601, LCOE $54, ran 3,356 hours polygon 3 Biomass (JAVA:3), 0.00 GW supplied 0 TWh, ran 0 hours polygon 3 GT (JAVA:3), 268.28 GW supplied 504.1 TWh, CF 21.4%, capcost $94,165,117,475, opcost $71,327,195,141, LCOE $153, ran 3,232 hours Timesteps: 8760 h Demand energy: 2093.7 TWh Peak hourly demand: 301589.4 MW Unused surplus energy: 43.0 TWh Timesteps with unused surplus energy: 1102 Unserved energy: 0.001% Unserved total hours: 3 Number of unserved energy events: 2 Shortfalls (min, max): (296.0, 6107.0) loss of load: 0.03% total hours of loss of load: 3 Score: 82.74 $/MWh Emissions: 0.0 MtCO2 Unused surplus energy: 43.0 TWh PumpedHydro 0.0 GW 0.0 TWh Hydro 12.0 GW 41.34 TWh Geothermal2 10.0 GW 32.95 TWh Biomass 0.0 GW 0.0 TWh Biofuel 268.28 GW 504.07 TWh PV 305.82 GW 458.13 TWh Wind 77.1 GW 137.39 TWh CST 519.11 GW 919.81 TWh WindOffshore 0.0 GW 0.0 TWh Done [2017-10-11 21:02:46,471] launcher ( INFO Root process is done. [2017-10-11 21:02:46,471] launcher ( INFO Finished cleaning spawned subprocesses.