[Linuxppc-users] Linux: raid6 benchmark: using intx1 recovery algorithm

Dirk Müller dmueller at suse.de
Tue Feb 1 20:30:00 AEDT 2022

On Samstag, 29. Januar 2022 21:22:37 CET Paul Menzel wrote:

Hi Paul,

> [    1.381350] ebbd.molgen.mpg.de kernel: raid6: vpermxor8 gen() 23033 MB/s
> [    2.130343] ebbd.molgen.mpg.de kernel: raid6: using algorithm
> vpermxor8 gen() 23033 MB/s
> [    2.130418] ebbd.molgen.mpg.de kernel: raid6: using intx1 recovery
> algorithm

> For the recovery algorithm, it chooses intx1. Do you know why? 

There is no other implementation available on powerpc. the recovery algorithm 
is defined by raid6_recov_algos - it has no implementation for powerpc, so 
there is only one, and it picks that one.

for gen() there are multiple ones available, and it benchmarks the most 
performing one and picks that one. 


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