.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>Hello all LinuxPPc Developer,<br>need to report a issue that im facing from kernel 3.16 and up.<br><br>The fans of powermac g5 quad start boosting like a turbo jet after the system is <br>been loaded and up. <br>Usually this become after about 30-60 seconds when the system is loaded.<br>This issue start with Xorg loaded or only in teminal system (gdm3 not loaded)<br>This issue come with system load with minimum cpu usage 5% and less too.<br>During the closing of the system (reboot) the fans goes in right silents mode.<br><br><br>I had been tested and compiled the kernel with all the modules of fan controls for Apple G5 <br>without a positive result.<br>Kernel tested 3.16.ctk2 (debian wheezy 7.8), 3.18.3 and 3.19.rc5<br>Im using Debian Wheezy 7.6 (up 7.8) PPC on Quad G5 (970mp) Nvidia 7800gtx and RadeonHD 6570<br><br>Dont face this issue with old kernels version 3.10.65 and pre<br>(didnt test the 3.12 and 3.14) <br><br>Need to report to Michel D. from amd.com . The RadeonHD 6570 now is working on PowerMac G5 too<br>look like the Xorg bigendian issue related Evergreen / Northern is been fixed ;-)<br><br><br>Thanks alot for your jobs guys<br>Hope soon i will able to help in X5000 hardware too <br>PPC Rulez ... and sorry for my "perfect english"<br>Luigi Burdo<br> </div></body>