Hi, all<br> I'm a newbie for linuxppc. I've tried to write a simple hello.c as a kernel module.<br><br>/*hello.c*/<br>#ifndef MODULE<br>#define MODULE<br>#endif<br><br>#ifndef __KERNEL__<br>#define __KERNEL__<br>#endif<br><br>#include <linux/module.h><br>#include <linux/kernel.h><br><br>int init_module(void)<br>{<br> printk("Hello world 1.\n");<br> return 0;<br>}<br><br>void cleanup_module(void)<br>{<br> printk("Goodbye world 1.\n");<br>}<br><br>I wrote the code on a machine with Slackware installed. There was a PowerPC405EP board connected to the machined with NFS used. On the PowerPC board, the kernel is linuxppc-2.4.25-rthal5 and can be logged in via telnet. On the machine, there was also a toolchain for PowerPC and there were a series of commands beginning with "powerpc-linux-" existing. I've tried to cross-compile
the source file with "powerpc-linux-gcc -c hello.c" or "powerpc-linux-gcc -c -DMODVERSIONS -I/usr/src/linuxppc-2.4.25/include hello.c" for PowerPC. But when I telneted into the board and run "insmod hello.o" on the PowerPC board, there always was "insmod: unresolved symbol printk". So would anyone give me some advice about the problem? Thank you very much.<br><p> 
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