> Second, I apologize for previously posting the diffs and > howto for the pci services to these lists. I, however, did > not have any other means until now. Since Alan Cox and others > were complaining that Motorola had not posted these changes > I felt I had no other choice. Free software folks are used to 'stick it somewhere for ftp' being a viable option. I guess in Motorola you have to do things the official way Im sure your intentions were good and Im glad the code is out. I've been looking through it a bit but wont start to hack on it hard till Im back from .ca [[ This message was sent via the linuxppc-dev mailing list. Replies are ]] [[ not forced back to the list, so be sure to Cc linuxppc-dev if your ]] [[ reply is of general interest. Please check http://lists.linuxppc.org/ ]] [[ and http://www.linuxppc.org/ for useful information before posting. ]]