helllo every body,<br>I am intersted in particpiating in a GSoC project for CCAN. I went through the project list given and found the project "feedback" interesting. So as a part of the GSoC 2008 program I'd like to implement the feedback support for CCAN. <br>
I have few questions regarding the "feedback" idea. Please help me to clarify them.<br><br>In cleint part we go through the reposiory and find any chaged modules (may be using the last modified date) and tests them.<br>
1. What exactlty do we need to check(weather they compile correctly, runs correctly, out put what they suppose to output, is that?)? <br>2. So the results will be the out out of that test, is this correct ? So that we can post this results back. In here what exactly post means? Is that we put a email with a attached log file or something like that or we just put the result in a database?So in the client side it's much like a "diff" of a version control system which of course catagaorised according to modules in CCAN. <br>
<br>Server part is straight forward. What we need to do is, depending on the publish method (weather they come throguh an e-mail or weather they are in a database) we can retrieve those informations and publish them(In side a database or by anyother means).<br>
<br>Please help me to clarify these question. Thanks in advance!<br><br>Me:<br>I am a computer science and enginnering undergradate in here[1]. I really like C programming. I developed a lexical anylzer for a subset of Javascript in C programming language(source code[2]). And also I participated in GSoC 2007 program and developed part of the mail transport for Apache Axis2/C in C language(source code [3]).<br>
My resume[4].<br><br>Regards,<br>Rajika<br><br>[1] - <a href="http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/">http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/</a><br>[2] - <a href="http://rajikacc.googlepages.com/scanner.tar.gz">http://rajikacc.googlepages.com/scanner.tar.gz</a><br>
[3] - <a href="http://rajikacc.googlepages.com/mail_trasnport.tar.gz">http://rajikacc.googlepages.com/mail_trasnport.tar.gz</a><br>[4] - <a href="http://rajikacc.googlepages.com/resume_rajika.pdf">http://rajikacc.googlepages.com/resume_rajika.pdf</a><br>
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