[ccan] base64 implementation - feedback requested

Rusty Russell rusty at rustcorp.com.au
Tue Aug 5 16:34:21 EST 2014

Peter Barker <pbarker at barker.dropbear.id.au> writes:
> I would appreciate some feedback on a base64 implementation for ccan.
> The first branch is an adjustment to ccan/tap; is_str and is_mem 
> implementations giving perl-style, 'expected "foo", got "bar"' errors.

Hi Peter!

        Thanks for these patches, and sorry for the delay in responding.

I'm in two minds about these helpers.  It's hard to get C programmers to
write tests, so I try to keep the API minimal, even if it means they
have to write their own helpers.

On the other hand, the improved output is nice.  Yet I usually run my
tests via ccanlint, which fires up the debugger when one fails which
lands you straight on the spot.

For my stuff, it's been very rare that an end user hits a test fail who
isn't technical enough to do something similar.


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