<span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="Hola Geoffrey!">Hello Geoffrey! </span><span title="Muchisimas gracias por responder!">Thank you so much for responding! </span><span title="Realmente nunca esperé poder conversar o recibir ayuda de un ingeniero de SONY.">I really never expected to talk or get help from an engineer at SONY. </span><span title="Para mi es un enorme privilegio y un honor!">For me it is a great privilege and an honor! </span><span title="Ya que me hace sentir sumamente afortunado y orgulloso.">It makes me feel very lucky and proud.<br>
</span><span title="Volviendo al tema del inconveniente que estoy teniendo..">Turning to the problem that I am having .. </span><span title="voy a ver si puedo ser lo bastante claro..">I'll see if I can be clear enough .. </span><span title="y espero que el traductor de Google interprete bien lo que estoy queriendo expresar.">and I hope the Google translator interpret well what I'm trying to express.<br>
</span><span title="Voy a responder por partes..">I'll answer for parts .. </span><span title="y luego aclararé otras cosas.">and then clarify other things.<br><br></span><span title="To view a copy of the game os offset use 'ps3-flash-util --game-time'.">To view a copy of the game you use offset 'ps3-flash-util - game-time'.<br>
<br></span><span title="Al yo ejecutar el comando "ps3-flash-util --game-time" en el sistema operativo Red Ribbon RC7..">When I run the command "ps3-flash-util - game-time" operating system Red Ribbon RC7 .. </span><span title="me arrojaba en un principio el valor 0 (cero).">threw me initially set to 0 (zero). </span><span title="En definitiva..">Ultimately .. </span><span title="esto era lo que me proporcionaba el comando "ps3-flash-util -s"">this was what gave me the command "ps3-flash-util-s"<br>
<br></span><span title="root@redribbon:/home/ps3# ps3-flash-util -s">root@redribbon:/home/ps3# ps3-flash-util -s<br></span><span title="ps3-flash-util (ps3-utils) 2.3-1">ps3-flash-util (ps3-utils) 2.3-1<br></span><span title="header :1: h.magic_num: 'cell_ext_os_area'">header: 1: h.magic_num 'cell_ext_os_area'<br>
</span><span title="header :1: h.hdr_version: 1">header: 1: h.hdr_version: 1<br></span><span title="header :1: h.db_area_offset: 2">header: 1: h.db_area_offset: 2<br></span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_area_offset: 4">header: 1: h.ldr_area_offset: 4<br>
</span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_format: 0 (raw)">header: 1: h.ldr_format: 0 (raw)<br></span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_size: 7969924 (799c84h)">header: 1: h.ldr_size: 7969924 (799c84h)<br></span><span title="param :2: p.boot_flag: 1 (other-os)">param: 2: p.boot_flag: 1 (other-os)<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.num_params: 0">param: 2: p.num_params: 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.rtc_diff 0">param: 2: p.rtc_diff 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.av_multi_out 0">param: 2: p.av_multi_out 0<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.ctrl_button: 0">param: 2: p.ctrl_button: 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.static_ip_addr:">param: 2: p.static_ip_addr:<br></span><span title="param :2: p.network_mask:">param: 2: p.network_mask:<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.default_gateway:">param: 2: p.default_gateway:<br></span><span title="param :2: p.dns_primary:">param: 2: p.dns_primary:<br></span><span title="param :2: p.dns_secondary:">param: 2: p.dns_secondary:<br>
</span><span title="db :3: db.magic_num: '-db-'">db: 3: db.magic_num: '-db-'<br></span><span title="db :3: db.version: 1">db: 3: db.version: 1<br></span><span title="db :3: db.index_64: 24">db: 3: db.index_64: 24<br>
</span><span title="db :3: db.count_64: 57">db: 3: db.count_64: 57<br></span><span title="db :3: db.index_32: 544">db: 3: db.index_32: 544<br></span><span title="db :3: db.count_32: 57">db: 3: db.count_32: 57<br></span><span title="db :3: db.index_16: 836">db: 3: db.index_16: 836<br>
</span><span title="db :3: db.count_16: 57">db: 3: db.count_16: 57<br></span><span title="rtc :4: 0">rtc: 4: 0<br><br></span><span title="Posteriormente..">Later .. </span><span title="seguí investigando esas aplicaciones que probee las ps3-tools.">kept researching these applications probee the ps3-tools. </span><span title="Me puse a tratar de interpretar el código..">I started to try to interpret the code .. </span><span title="y ví que en una parte..">and I saw that in one part .. </span><span title="ingresando la sentencia "ps3-flash-util -db-write-dword 2 1 1362744807" y al luego volver a ejecutar el comando "ps3-flash-util -s" lo que me imprimía en pantalla era lo siguiente.">entering
the judgment "ps3-flash-util -db-write-dword 2 1 1362744807" and
then re-run the command "ps3-flash-util -s" what I was screen printed in
the following.<br><br></span><span title="root@redribbon:/home/ps3# ps3-flash-util -s">root@redribbon:/home/ps3# ps3-flash-util -s<br></span><span title="ps3-flash-util (ps3-utils) 2.3-1">ps3-flash-util (ps3-utils) 2.3-1<br>
</span><span title="header :1: h.magic_num: 'cell_ext_os_area'">header: 1: h.magic_num 'cell_ext_os_area'<br></span><span title="header :1: h.hdr_version: 1">header: 1: h.hdr_version: 1<br></span><span title="header :1: h.db_area_offset: 2">header: 1: h.db_area_offset: 2<br>
</span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_area_offset: 4">header: 1: h.ldr_area_offset: 4<br></span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_format: 0 (raw)">header: 1: h.ldr_format: 0 (raw)<br></span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_size: 7969924 (799c84h)">header: 1: h.ldr_size: 7969924 (799c84h)<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.boot_flag: 1 (other-os)">param: 2: p.boot_flag: 1 (other-os)<br></span><span title="param :2: p.num_params: 0">param: 2: p.num_params: 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.rtc_diff 0">param: 2: p.rtc_diff 0<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.av_multi_out 0">param: 2: p.av_multi_out 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.ctrl_button: 0">param: 2: p.ctrl_button: 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.static_ip_addr:">param: 2: p.static_ip_addr:<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.network_mask:">param: 2: p.network_mask:<br></span><span title="param :2: p.default_gateway:">param: 2: p.default_gateway:<br></span><span title="param :2: p.dns_primary:">param: 2: p.dns_primary:<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.dns_secondary:">param: 2: p.dns_secondary:<br></span><span title="db :3: db.magic_num: '-db-'">db: 3: db.magic_num: '-db-'<br></span><span title="db :3: db.version: 1">db: 3: db.version: 1<br>
</span><span title="db :3: db.index_64: 24">db: 3: db.index_64: 24<br></span><span title="db :3: db.count_64: 57">db: 3: db.count_64: 57<br></span><span title="db :3: db.index_32: 544">db: 3: db.index_32: 544<br></span><span title="db :3: db.count_32: 57">db: 3: db.count_32: 57<br>
</span><span title="db :3: db.index_16: 836">db: 3: db.index_16: 836<br></span><span title="db :3: db.count_16: 57">db: 3: db.count_16: 57<br></span><span title="rtc :4: 1362744807">rtc: 4: 1362744807<br><br></span><span title="Solamente me modificaba el valor "rtc :4:" sin causar ningún efecto en el RTC de la consola.">I only modified the value "rtc: 4:" without causing any effect on the RTC console.<br>
</span><span title="Otra de las cosas que yo hacía..">Another thing I did .. </span><span title="era sincronizar el tiempo del sistema operativo..">was to synchronize the time of the operating system .. </span><span title="por medio de la sincronización con internet..">through synchronization with internet .. </span><span title="y luego ejecutar el comando "hwclock -w"..">and then execute the command "hwclock -w" .. </span><span title="y actualizaba el tiempo..">and updated the time .. </span><span title="yo que al yo volver a ejecutar el comando "hwclock -D" me mostraba la diferencia en segundos o epoch correcta hasta el día de la fecha actual.">I that I re-run the command "hwclock -D" showed me the difference in epoch seconds or right until the day of the current date. </span><span title="Pero cuando yo reiniciaba la consola..">But when I restarted the console .. </span><span title="todo volvía a como antes..">all again as before .. </span><span title="a la fecha del año 2006.">the date of 2006.<br>
</span><span title="Asi que me puse a investigar cómo yo podía hacer para modificar el os_area_params.rtc_diff..">So I started researching what I could do to change the os_area_params.rtc_diff .. </span><span title="asi que encontré la manera de hacerlo..">So I found a way to do it .. </span><span title="editando un código que encontré en internet..">editing a code I found on the internet .. </span><span title="que originalmente estaba desarrollado para modificar el valor del os_area_params.boot_flag para que iniciara el OtherOS.">which was originally developed to modify the value of os_area_params.boot_flag to initiate the OtherOS. </span><span title="Asi que modifiqué los valores..">So I modified the values .. </span><span title="y pude lograr modificar ese valor en el registro..">and could achieve change it in the registry .. </span><span title="y me terminó quedando algo asi.">and I ended up being something.<br>
<br></span><span title="root@redribbon:/home/ps3# ps3-flash-util -s">root@redribbon:/home/ps3# ps3-flash-util -s<br></span><span title="ps3-flash-util (ps3-utils) 2.3-1">ps3-flash-util (ps3-utils) 2.3-1<br></span><span title="header :1: h.magic_num: 'cell_ext_os_area'">header: 1: h.magic_num 'cell_ext_os_area'<br>
</span><span title="header :1: h.hdr_version: 1">header: 1: h.hdr_version: 1<br></span><span title="header :1: h.db_area_offset: 2">header: 1: h.db_area_offset: 2<br></span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_area_offset: 4">header: 1: h.ldr_area_offset: 4<br>
</span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_format: 0 (raw)">header: 1: h.ldr_format: 0 (raw)<br></span><span title="header :1: h.ldr_size: 7969924 (799c84h)">header: 1: h.ldr_size: 7969924 (799c84h)<br></span><span title="param :2: p.boot_flag: 1 (other-os)">param: 2: p.boot_flag: 1 (other-os)<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.num_params: 0">param: 2: p.num_params: 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.rtc_diff 1362744807">param: 2: p.rtc_diff </span></span><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="param :2: p.rtc_diff 1362744807"><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="param :2: p.rtc_diff 1362744807">1362744807</span></span></span></span><br>
<span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="param :2: p.av_multi_out 0">param: 2: p.av_multi_out 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.ctrl_button: 0">param: 2: p.ctrl_button: 0<br></span><span title="param :2: p.static_ip_addr:">param: 2: p.static_ip_addr:<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.network_mask:">param: 2: p.network_mask:<br></span><span title="param :2: p.default_gateway:">param: 2: p.default_gateway:<br></span><span title="param :2: p.dns_primary:">param: 2: p.dns_primary:<br>
</span><span title="param :2: p.dns_secondary:">param: 2: p.dns_secondary:<br></span><span title="db :3: db.magic_num: '-db-'">db: 3: db.magic_num: '-db-'<br></span><span title="db :3: db.version: 1">db: 3: db.version: 1<br>
</span><span title="db :3: db.index_64: 24">db: 3: db.index_64: 24<br></span><span title="db :3: db.count_64: 57">db: 3: db.count_64: 57<br></span><span title="db :3: db.index_32: 544">db: 3: db.index_32: 544<br></span><span title="db :3: db.count_32: 57">db: 3: db.count_32: 57<br>
</span><span title="db :3: db.index_16: 836">db: 3: db.index_16: 836<br></span><span title="db :3: db.count_16: 57">db: 3: db.count_16: 57<br></span><span title="rtc :4: 1362744807">rtc: 4: 1362744807<br><br></span><span title="El programa que yo generé.."></span></span><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="El programa que yo generé..">The program I I generated .. </span><span title="o junto con el .self..">or together with the. self .. </span><span title="se encuentran en esta dirección:">found at: <a href="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/109578126/ajustartc.zip">https://dl.dropbox.com/u/109578126/ajustartc.zip</a> (</span></span><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="se encuentran en esta dirección:"><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span class="hps">He</span> <span class="hps">sent them out</span> <span class="hps">if you are curious</span> <span class="hps">to see</span> <span class="hps">what it was that</span> <span class="hps">I did)</span></span> <br>
</span><span title="Continúo..">Continued ..<br></span><span title="En definitiva..">Ultimately .. </span><span title="todo lo que hice..">all I did .. </span><span title="no tuvo ningún efecto positivo.">had no positive effect. </span><span title="La consola seguía funcionando del mismo modo.">The console still worked the same way. </span><span title="Los juegos siguen arrojando el error 8001050F y no permite instalar los trofeos en el disco rígido.">The games are still throwing the error 8001050F and trophies can not install on the hard drive.<br>
<br></span><span title="To set the other os (linux) offset to the game os offset use">To Set the other os (linux) offset offset to the game you use<br></span><span title="'ps3-rtc-init --force'.">'ps3-rtc-init --force'.<br>
<br></span><span title="Ejecuté la sentencia "ps3-rtc-init --force".."></span></span><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="Ejecuté la sentencia "ps3-rtc-init --force".."><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span title="Ejecuté la sentencia "ps3-rtc-init --force"..">Execute the statement "ps3-rtc-init --force" .. </span><span title="pero no logré nada.">but I could not get anything. </span><span title="Lo unico que pude apreciar esa sentencia..">The only thing I could see that sentence .. </span><span title="es que copia el valor que se encuentra en "p.rtc_diff" y lo guarda en "rtc :4:"..">is to copy the value that is in "p.rtc_diff" and saves "rtc: 4:" .. </span><span title="nada más.">nothing more.</span></span></span><span title="nada más."><br>
<br></span><span title="To be able to set the RTC offset your kernel must have the PS3 RTC">To be Able to Set the RTC offset your kernel must have the PS3 RTC<br></span><span title="support module loaded or built in to the kernel.">support module loaded or built in to the kernel.<br>
<br></span><span title="Al módulo rtc-ps3.c lo tiene el sistema operativo.">Al rtc-ps3.c module operating system has it. </span><span title="Lo busqué..">I looked it up .. </span><span title="y está.">and is. </span><span title="No recuerdo bien en qué carpeta se aloja..">I do not remember which folder you stay .. </span><span title="pero está.">but it is.<br>
<br></span><span title="Ultimamente estuve investigando sobre esas herramientas ps3dm-tools y las ps3vuart-tools creadas por ud.">Lately I've been researching these tools ps3dm ps3vuart-tools-tools and created by ud. </span><span title="Me costó un poco comprenderlas..">It took a while to understand .. </span><span title="pero en base a algunos ejemplos..">but based on some examples .. </span><span title="pude lograr interpretarlas.">could achieve interpret.<br>
</span><span title="Bueno..">Well .. </span><span title="lo que hice fue ejecutar la sentencia "sudo ./ps3dm srtc set_time 1362744807"..">what I did was execute the "sudo ./ps3dm srtc set_time 1362744807" .. </span><span title="y al ejecutar la sentencia "sudo ./ps3dm srtc get_time 0" me arrojaba el valor que yo en teoría había seteado en el RTC..">and execute the "sudo ./ps3dm srtc get_time 0" threw me the courage I had seteado theoretically in the RTC .. </span><span title="obviamente con adhesión de los segundos de diferencia en que me llevó escribir la linea de comando para ver qué valor tenía el RTC..">obviously adherence seconds apart that led me to write the command line to see what value was the RTC .. </span><span title="pero cuando yo volvía a ejecutar la sentencia "hwclock --debug" me seguía mostrando el año 2006.">but when I came to execute the "hwclock --debug" I was showing 2006.<br>
</span><span title="Lo que me llama la atención..">What catches my eye .. </span><span title="es que no se donde se almacena ese valor que yo ingresé cuando ejecuté el set_time del ps3dm srtc.">is not that stores that value I entered when I ran the ps3dm set_time the srtc. </span><span title="Porque cuando yo apagaba la consola..">Because when I turned off the console .. </span><span title="la desconectaba..">the disconnected .. </span><span title="la volvía a conectar..">the reconnected .. </span><span title="la encendía..">the lit .. </span><span title="y volvía a ejecutar la sentencia get_time del ps3dm srtc..">and execute the statement again ps3dm get_time the srtc .. </span><span title="me mostraba le valor que yo había ingresado..">I showed him that I had entered value .. </span><span title="con los segundos que yo había tardado en apagar la consola y en volver a encenderla.">with the latter that I had taken in the console off and back on.<br>
</span><span title="Asi que no se exactamente qué podría llegar a ser.">So exactly what could not be. </span><span title="Sinceramente me está frustrando.">Honestly is frustrating me. </span><span title="No se nada sobre programación..">I know nothing about programming .. </span><span title="o muy poco..">or too little .. </span><span title="pero tengo conocimientos sobre lenguaje C y funciones..">but I have knowledge of C language functions .. </span><span title="pero he probado todo..">but I've tried everything .. </span><span title="y no consigo ajustar el RTC de la consola (llorando)">and I can not adjust the RTC console (crying)<br>
</span><span title="Le quiero hacer una pregunta..">I want to ask a question .. </span><span title="por qué motivo no se puede setear el valor de RTC de la consola?">why can not set starting value RTC console? </span><span title="Es algún defecto del hardware?">It is a hardware defect? </span><span title="Yo creí que solamente era problema con el tema del año bisiesto en el 2010..">I thought it was only problem with the issue of leap year in 2010 .. </span><span title="o 2008..">or 2008 .. </span><span title="no lo recuerdo..">do not remember .. </span><span title="pero que un 28 o 29 de Febrero muchos tuvieron inconvenientes con sus consolas..">but that 28 or 29 February many had problems with their consoles .. </span><span title="ya que les arrojaba ese error..">since they threw that error .. </span><span title="el 8001050F.">the 8001050F.<br>
</span><span title="Puede ser que la herramienta generada por ud tenga la capacidad de modificar el RTC..">Can be generated by the tool you have the ability to modify the RTC .. </span><span title="y que por pura mala suerte mía no lo esté modificando en esta consola ya que quizá pueda ocurrir que esta consola tenga un defecto en la electrónica?">and sheer bad luck mine is not changing in this console because maybe I can be that this console has a defect in the electronic<br>
</span><span title="Lo que pienso es que una cosa es el tiempo del GameOS..">What I think is that one thing is the time of GameOS .. </span><span title="y otra del OtherOS..">and one of OtherOS .. </span><span title="también otra es el tiempo que se setea con el comando set_time de la herramienta ps3dm.">Also other is the time the command Sets set_time ps3dm tool. </span><span title="Pero de lo que si estoy seguro..">But what I am sure .. </span><span title="es que el valor del RTC..">is that the RTC value .. </span><span title="el que me acusa que está configurado en el año 2006..">which accuses me that is set in the year 2006 .. </span><span title="es el real..">is real .. </span><span title="o sea..">ie .. </span><span title="el tiempo base de la consola..">time base of the console .. </span><span title="y que lo demás..">and that the other .. </span><span title="es todo ficticio.">is all fictional.</span></span><br>
<br><span id="result_box" class="long_text" lang="en"><span class="hps">And</span> <span class="hps">I think that's</span> <span class="hps">all for now</span><span>.</span> <span class="hps">Do not</span> <span class="hps">remember doing</span> <span class="hps">more</span> <span class="hps">than that.</span><br>
<span class="hps">Greetings</span><span class="">!</span></span><br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2013/3/7 Geoff Levand <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:geoff@infradead.org" target="_blank">geoff@infradead.org</a>></span><br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">Hi,<br>
<div class="im"><br>
On Thu, 2013-03-07 at 01:36 -0300, Mauro Montenegro wrote:<br>
> Hello! I need the help of everyone who kindly help me.<br>
> Step to tell you .. I have a PS3 model CECHL01 .. which has misconfigured the RTC, which is in a date of 2006.<br>
> I wanted to know or ask if I could provide some highly application or method that solves this problem.<br>
</div>The PS3 has an RTC which cannot be set. Both the game os and other os<br>
use an RTC offset.<br>
To view a copy of the game os offset use 'ps3-flash-util --game-time'.<br>
To set the game os offset, use the game os.<br>
To set the other os (linux) offset to the game os offset use<br>
'ps3-rtc-init --force'.<br>
To be able to set the RTC offset your kernel must have the PS3 RTC<br>
support module loaded or built in to the kernel.<br>
<div class="im"><br>
> I searched the Internet for information on the subject .. but to this day I could not get anything at all.<br>
<a href="https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/geoff/ps3-utils.git/tree/ps3-rtc-init.in" target="_blank">https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/geoff/ps3-utils.git/tree/ps3-rtc-init.in</a><br>
<span class="HOEnZb"><font color="#888888"><br>